People support strict punishment for construction violations and land encroachment


Chairman of Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee informed about overcoming some problems and limitations related to land management , mineral resources, forest land and construction order.

On July 18, at the 24th session of the People's Council of Kien Giang province, after the question and answer session, Chairman of the People's Committee of Kien Giang province Lam Minh Thanh provided information to further clarify a number of issues that many delegates were concerned about. , voters are interested.

Regarding overcoming some problems, limitations and arising solutions pointed out at the previous meeting, the Chairman of Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee said that this issue has been directed drastically and can basically be overcome in terms of management. land, building order and mineral resources.

The Provincial People's Committee has promptly directed to strengthen patrols and handle hot spots of illegal mineral exploitation in Hon Dat, Giang Thanh, Phu Quoc districts . Through patrol activities and drastic handling, it has contributed to positive changes in State management at the grassroots level; help people understand and agree with the government's solution (some violating households have proactively overcome the consequences). Up to now, the situation is well controlled, the number of violations has decreased significantly.

“The province still maintains a Special Working Group in Phu Quoc City and continues to strictly handle violations of illegal construction, encroachment on State land, forest land, etc., which is approved and supported by the people. ", Mr. Lam Minh Thanh affirmed.

In the first 6 months of the year, Kien Giang detected and handled 181 cases of land violations (down 77 over the same period); 71 cases of environmental violations (down 44 cases); 63 cases of violation of mineral exploitation, forest protection, and protection of endangered and rare animals (reduced by 52 cases); 10 cases of construction order violations (down 13 cases).

Previously, at the 20th session (regular session at the end of 2023) of the People's Council of Kien Giang province, Mr. Lam Minh Thanh also said: Recently, mineral theft occurred, in which Phu Quoc had sand stolen. projects, and land theft in Hon Dat district. The province has directed the police force to strictly handle this issue, strengthening inspections to prevent organizations and individuals from violating. In addition, the province has assigned the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to review how many types of minerals there are in the province and calculate reserves to serve future projects in the province.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has directed that in any locality where land is not clear and transparent, the People's Committee of the commune or ward in that place must carefully consider the origin. Particularly, land in Phu Quoc is very valuable. If done incorrectly, it will cause huge budget loss. The authorities will also review forest land to have directions to issue certificates to people.


Bắt Phó Chủ tịch xã, cán bộ địa chính ở Phú Quốc vì sai phạm đất đai


Phó Chủ tịch xã Cửa Cạn và cán bộ địa chính xã đã thực hiện không chặt chẽ, không kiểm tra các thông tin về nguồn gốc, thời điểm sử dụng đất mà những người tham gia xét duyệt đã cung cấp, tiến hành thu thập ý kiến không đúng đối tượng sử dụng đất, dẫn đến xác nhận sai thực tế nguồn gốc đất, thời điểm sử dụng đất ở TP Phú Quốc.

Phú Quốc và Rạch Giá là 2 điểm nóng trễ hẹn hồ sơ đất đai ở Kiên Giang


Hồ sơ liên quan đến lĩnh vực đất đai luôn chiếm tỉ trọng trễ hẹn rất lớn trong số các thủ tục hành chính, cử tri tỉnh Kiên Giang đặt vấn đề với Sở Tài nguyên và Môi trường (TNMT) nguyên nhân và giải pháp.

Chủ tịch Kiên Giang nói về xử lý các vi phạm đất đai, xây dựng ở Phú Quốc


Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Kiên Giang nêu lên một số vấn đề liên quan về quản lý đất đai, tài nguyên khoáng sản, đất rừng và trật tự xây dựng, đặc biệt là xét và cấp giấy đất rừng cho các hộ dân ở TP Phú Quốc.

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