"Smart civil mobilization" and the journey named 500kV circuit 3 line


Determining that the 500kV circuit 3 line project is a particularly important and urgent project with a huge amount of work, so from the first days, Thanh Hoa province has mobilized the entire political system and implemented it. campaign for people to volunteer to hand over the site and support project construction.

Establish a "skillful mass mobilization" campaign team

For Thanh Hoa province, Nghi Son commune is considered a locality with a long line passing through 5 communes with a length of 19.7km. The total affected area is up to 57.88 hectares, involving 138 households and 3 organizations.

Mr. Trinh Tien Dung - Vice Chairman of Nghi Son Town People's Committee - said that the Standing Committee of Nghi Son Town Party Committee has established a special propaganda team, headed by the Head of the Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairman of the town's Fatherland Front.

Along with that, in close coordination with the compensation and project site clearance council, the commune-level government actively and persistently campaigned to persuade the affected people. Leaders of the Town Party Committee and the Town People's Committee also continuously went to the scene to promptly direct the removal of difficulties and problems within their authority; Report to superior agencies content beyond authority, thereby helping to best resolve people's thoughts and aspirations.

Consensus of the people

Thanks to the good propaganda and advocacy work of the Party Committee and Nghi Son town government, Mr. Le Vinh Tri's family (in Tam Son village, Tan Truong commune) has nearly 900m2 affected by the 500kV Quynh line corridor. Luu - Thanh Hoa was clearer about the planning and land use issues and agreed with the policy, received compensation, arranged temporary accommodation, and cleared the site for the contractor to pull the rope.

"With propaganda and encouragement from all levels of government, my family was aware of its responsibility and agreed to hand over the site for the construction project" - Mr. Le Vinh Tri shared.

According to Mr. Tri, during the days of handing over the site, the family received the attention and enthusiastic support of departments, branches and organizations in assisting the family in dismantling and moving assets. In particular, Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Secretary Do Trong Hung personally visited the family to propagate, talk and encourage.

Like Mr. Tri's family, Mr. Nguyen Song Toan's family (64 years old, in Trung Cu village, Nga Thang commune, Nga Son district), is one of 11 households in Nga Son district that need to be relocated and resettled, due to The entire land area and houses are located in the corridor of the 500kV Line Project, component of Nam Dinh I - Thanh Hoa Thermal Power Plant. After being propagated, mobilized and arranged for new resettlement land by the Party Committee and local authorities, Mr. Toan's family agreed to receive compensation to hand over the clean site to the contractor to organize the construction.

It is known that to implement the 500kV Circuit 3 Line Project, the entire Thanh Hoa province has 268 households affected by residential land and housing. Of these, 52 households with residential land and houses had to be completely relocated; 110 households have residential land and houses that must be partially recovered; 60 plots of land but no housing projects must be fully compensated; 69 plots of land have no housing construction, must be partially compensated. The total number of households eligible for resettlement is 81 households; Among them, 5 households receiving money arrange their own accommodation; 76 households need resettlement arrangements .

With the determination and determination of the entire political system, the total participation of the party committee, government and organizations of Thanh Hoa province right from the first days of "launching" the project, the mobilization and propaganda Instilling consensus among the people, handing over the site to the construction unit became convenient and achieved high results.


Dấu ấn thi đua trên công trường Đường dây 500kV mạch 3

Nguyễn Văn Lương - Trưởng ban Tuyên giáo Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam |

Một trong những yếu tố làm nên sức mạnh, tạo thành công trên công trường Đường dây 500kV mạch 3, đó chính là dấu ấn các phong trào thi đua.

Ngày mai (29.8), khánh thành đường dây 500kV mạch 3

Anh Tuấn - QUANG ĐẠI |

Đến nay, công tác chuẩn bị cho lễ khánh thành dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 diễn ra vào ngày 29.8 tại các điểm cầu đã cơ bản hoàn tất.

Sự đồng lòng khi thi công đường dây 500kV mạch 3


Sự đồng lòng của người dân và chính quyền địa phương đã giúp Dự án Đường dây 500kV mạch 3 tại Quảng Bình về đích đúng tiến độ giao.

Sẵn sàng cho lễ khánh thành đường dây 500kV mạch 3


Đến nay, công tác chuẩn bị cho lễ khánh thành dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 diễn ra vào ngày 29.8 tại điểm cầu Hà Tĩnh đã cơ bản hoàn tất.

Xây dựng đường dây 500kV có vai trò quan trọng của người dân

Xuân Hùng |

"Dự án 500kV mạch 3 qua Thanh Hóa hoàn thành có vai trò rất quan trọng của người dân" - ông Mai Xuân Liêm - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Thanh Hóa khẳng định.

Vắt vẻo trên độ cao hàng trăm mét tại đường dây 500kV

Nhóm PV |

Các công nhân trên công trường dự án đường dây 500kV mạch 3 khẩn trương hoàn thành các công đoạn cuối cùng để bàn giao dự án cho đơn vị quản lý vận hành đóng điện.

Những ngày rực lửa trên công trường Đường dây 500kV mạch 3

Đạt Phan (Ảnh: EVNSPC) |

Tham gia Dự án Đường dây 500kv mạch 3, kỹ sư, công nhân miền Nam không chỉ đối diện thời tiết mà còn khó khăn khi lần đầu thi công địa hình đồi núi phức tạp…

VĐV bóng chuyền Nguyễn Thị Xuân và sự bền bỉ ở tuổi U40


Góc nhìn thể thao số 181 có buổi trò chuyện với chủ công Nguyễn Thị Xuân về hành trình gắn bó với bóng chuyền cũng như dự định trong tương lai của tay đập 38 tuổi.

Emulation mark on the construction site of 500kV circuit 3 line

Nguyễn Văn Lương - Trưởng ban Tuyên giáo Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam |

One of the factors that create strength and success at the 500kV Line 3 construction site is the mark of emulation movements.

Ready for the inauguration ceremony of 500kV circuit 3 line

Anh Tuấn - QUANG ĐẠI |

Up to now, preparations for the inauguration ceremony of the 500kV circuit 3 line project taking place on August 29 at the bridge points have been basically completed.

Consensus when constructing 500kV circuit 3 line


The consensus of the people and local authorities helped the 500kV Circuit 3 Line Project in Quang Binh reach its destination on schedule.

Ready for the inauguration ceremony of 500kV circuit 3 line


Up to now, preparations for the inauguration ceremony of the 500kV circuit 3 line project taking place on August 29 at the Ha Tinh bridge point have been basically completed.

Construction of the 500kV line plays an important role for the people

Xuân Hùng |

"The completion of the 500kV circuit 3 project through Thanh Hoa plays a very important role for the people" - Mr. Mai Xuan Liem - Vice Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee affirmed.

Perched hundreds of meters above the 500kV line

Nhóm PV |

Workers on the construction site of the 500kV circuit 3 line project urgently complete the final stages to hand over the project to the energizing and operating management unit.

Fiery days at the construction site of 500kV circuit 3 line

Đạt Phan (Ảnh: EVNSPC) |

Participating in the 500kv circuit 3 line project , engineers and workers in the South not only face the weather but also difficulties when constructing complex mountainous terrain for the first time...