1,500 billion VND dam in Quang Ngai lacks construction site


The Tra Khuc River downstream dam project in Quang Ngai, with a total investment of 1,500 billion VND, currently has no construction site.

The Tra Khuc downstream dam project started in July 2019 and is expected to be completed in 2021. The investor is the Quang Ngai Provincial Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board.

This is a key project of Quang Ngai province, combining multiple objectives of water conservation, urban landscape creation, urban development on both sides of the river, and raising the stature of Quang Ngai city. However, the project encountered many difficulties, so the progress was extended from 2021 to 2023 and then continued to be extended to August 2024.

Vuong mat bang la mot trong nhung nguyen nhan khien du an dap dang ha luu song Tra Khuc cham tien do. Anh: Vien Nguyen
Land acquisition issues are one of the reasons why the Tra Khuc downstream dam project is behind schedule. Photo: Vien Nguyen

There are two main reasons why the project has dragged on for many years. Firstly, after nearly 5 years of construction, Quang Ngai province has yet to relocate and resettle dozens of households affected by the Tra Khuc River dam. Many areas of land of these households have not been cleared.

Currently, the Tra Khuc downstream dam project has been constructed with a volume of about 88.2%. Land acquisition is one of the difficulties in implementing the project on schedule. Along with that, the items that need to be constructed underwater are being studied by the investor and contractor.

According to the reporter's records, in the area of ​​the operator's house, grass and trees grow up to the knees and waist. The project has not been completed for many years and has not been put into use, and the cement color has begun to fade. Near An Phu village, Tinh An commune, manholes along the red dirt road without covers lie alone in the sun. To the south of An Phu village, there are many worker camps and a series of machines and equipment lying still in the sun.

Speaking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporter, Mr. Ngo Van Dung - Director of the Project Management Board for Investment and Construction of Traffic Works in Quang Ngai province said that the project currently has no land for construction. From now until the end of 2024, the investor will coordinate with the People's Committee of Quang Ngai city to determine specific land prices to establish, appraise and approve compensation plans in 2024. The project is stuck in site clearance, so the progress will be delayed and construction will be in 2025.


Lo cầu sập, Quảng Ngãi yêu cầu rà soát


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Sau 13 năm khởi công, dự án Trường Trung cấp Kinh tế - Công nghệ Dung Quất ở TP Quảng Ngãi đang bị bỏ hoang, gây lãng phí đất.

Nguyên giám đốc ở Quảng Ngãi nói không tư lợi khi làm dự án


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Mai Dung |

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