Proposal to destroy 20 dead Bengal tigers in Dong Nai


Dong Nai - 20 Bengal tigers and 1 black panther died in the Mango Garden Tourist Area in Bien Hoa City.

20 Bengal tigers and 1 black panther died at Vuon Xoai Tourist Area

On October 2, speaking with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Truong Giang - Manager of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Branch of Dong Nai province said that the unit is coordinating with the Veterinary Branch of Region VI to work with the Mango Garden Eco-tourism Company Limited (Phuoc Tan Ward, Bien Hoa City) to determine the cause and disease situation related to the incident of 20 tigers dying here.

Ho Bengal tai Khu du lich Vuon Xoai. Anh tu lieu: HAC
Bengal tiger at Mango Garden Eco-tourism Area. Photo: HAC

According to the Mango Garden Eco-tourism Company Limited, on September 8, 4 Bengal tigers and 1 black panther died. Then, on September 9, 7 Bengal tigers died; on September 10, 2 Bengal tigers died; on September 11, 4 Bengal tigers died; on September 12, 1 Bengal tiger died; on September 17, 1 Bengal tiger died and on September 22, 1 Bengal tiger died.

A total of 20 Bengal tigers and 1 black leopard died.

The weight of the dead tigers ranged from about 5kg-10kg/individual to 100-120kg/individual. The dead black panther weighed 80-100kg.

Previously, on September 30, the Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City sent a document to the Department of Preventive Medicine about receiving information shared from the Veterinary Branch of Region VI recording that a dead tiger tested positive for the A/H5N1 influenza virus at My Quynh Zoo (Long An province) and a tiger died of unknown cause at the Vuon Xoai Eco-tourism Area (Dong Nai province).

Accordingly, in Long An province from August 2024 to September 16, 2024, at My Quynh zoo, 30 tigers and lions died (27 tigers and 3 lions), including 3 newly imported tigers from Vuon Xoai Eco-tourism Company Limited (Dong Nai province) on September 6, 2024, the remaining individuals originated from the zoo.

In Dong Nai province, according to quick information from the Veterinary Branch VI at the Mango Garden Eco-tourism Area, Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris) and black panthers (Panthera pardus) have died.

Officers of the Bien Hoa City Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station conducted clinical examinations and random autopsies on the two dead tigers mentioned above, initially diagnosing that the two Bengal tigers died of suspected pneumonia. The test results for the cause are currently unavailable.

There have been no reports of anyone in close contact showing symptoms of respiratory infection. The Department of Health has directed the Dong Nai Province Center for Disease Control to coordinate with relevant departments and agencies to investigate the cause. At the same time, monitor the health of those who have come into contact with these tigers.

Proposal to destroy 20 Bengal tigers and 1 dead leopard that stinks

Previously, on September 26, Vuon Xoai Eco-tourism Company Limited sent a document requesting direction on how to handle 20 dead Bengal tigers and 1 dead black panther.

According to the Mango Garden Ecotourism Company, 20 tigers and 1 black panther that have died since September 8 are being kept in a refrigerated container at the company. However, due to the large number of animals, the container is not cold enough and is starting to smell bad.

Ho Bengal tai Khu du lich Vuon Xoai. Anh tu lieu: HAC
Bengal tiger at Mango Garden Eco-tourism Area. Photo: HAC

The company requests direction to soon destroy the 20 Bengal tigers and 1 black panther mentioned above to prevent disease in time and avoid environmental pollution.

Talking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporter, Mr. Ngo Van Vinh - Branch Manager of Dong Nai Province Forestry said, according to Clause 5, Article 13 of Decree No. 160/2013/ND-CP dated November 12, 2013 of the Government on criteria for determining species and management regime of species in the list of endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection, it is stipulated that:

“In case an individual wild animal dies during the breeding process, the owner of the biodiversity conservation facility must report to the specialized agency of the Provincial People's Committee for confirmation and decision on handling according to one of the following options:

a) Transfer to scientific agencies, training and environmental education facilities, and specialized museums for research, preservation, and education to raise public awareness;

b) Destruction in cases where wild animals die due to epidemics or cannot be handled according to the plan prescribed in Point a of this Clause".


Loạt hổ, sư tử nuôi ở Đồng Nai, Long An chết bất thường


TPCHM – Liên quan đến vụ việc 17 con hổ nuôi ở Khu du lịch sinh thái Vườn Xoài, TP Biên Hoà (Đồng Nai) bị chết, Viện Pasteur TPHCM đã tiến hành xác minh khẩn.

Xử lý như thế nào đối với con hổ nặng 200kg bị chết?


Thanh Hóa - Một con hổ nặng 200kg tại trang trại tư nhân bị chết, hiện cá thể này đang được bảo quản cấp đông, chờ xử lý.

Tiêu hủy 5 cá thể hổ cấp đông


Ngày 26.8, Hội đồng tiêu hủy vật chứng huyện Hương Sơn (tỉnh Hà Tĩnh) đã tổ chức tiêu hủy 5 cá thể hổ chết được cấp đông.

Hiệu trưởng nói nam sinh trong clip Long Biên chỉ lên an ủi vì cô giáo đang buồn


Hà Nội - Trường THPT Thạch Bàn (quận Long Biên) đã tạm đình chỉ giáo viên có hành động thân mật với học sinh ở trong lớp học.

TPHCM công bố đề thi tham khảo vào lớp 10 năm 2025

Chân Phúc |

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo TPHCM đã chính thức công bố đề thi tham khảo lớp 10 các môn áp dụng cho kỳ thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 năm 2025.

Công đoàn hỗ trợ vé máy bay cho đoàn viên về quê đón Tết

Hà Anh |

Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN vừa ban hành Kế hoạch tổ chức các hoạt động chăm lo cho đoàn viên, người lao động dịp Tết Nguyên đán Ất Tỵ 2025.

Xem xét trách nhiệm vụ thuê cơ sở thiếu chứng nhận ATVSTP

Minh Chuyên |

Hòa Bình - UBND TP Hòa Bình đang xem xét kiểm điểm, xử lý trách nhiệm của tập thể, cá nhân liên quan trong vụ trường thuê cơ sở thiếu chứng nhận ATVSTP nấu ăn.

Lý do Trưởng Ban Quản lý Khu Công nghệ cao TPHCM bị kỷ luật


Ban Thường vụ Thành ủy TPHCM cách tất cả các chức vụ trong Đảng đối với ông Nguyễn Anh Thi, Bí thư Đảng ủy, Trưởng Ban Quản lý Khu Công nghệ cao TPHCM.

A series of tigers and lions raised in Dong Nai and Long An died unexpectedly


HCMC – Regarding the death of 17 tigers raised in the Mango Garden Eco-tourism Area, Bien Hoa City (Dong Nai), the Pasteur Institute of Ho Chi Minh City has conducted an urgent verification.

How to deal with a dead 200kg tiger?


Thanh Hoa - A 200kg tiger at a private farm died. This individual is currently being frozen and awaiting processing.

Destroy 5 frozen tigers


On August 26, the Evidence Destruction Council of Huong Son district ( Ha Tinh province ) organized the destruction of 5 frozen dead tigers .