Sleepless night of "orange heroes" after storm Yagi

Cường Ngô |

With the goal of restoring power as soon as possible after Typhoon Yagi , during the night, electricians isolated the problem and urgently restored the power grid.

All night repairing the line

Vietnam Electricity (EVN) said that super typhoon Yagi sweeping through the capital Hanoi caused many power grid incidents. Of which, regarding the high-voltage grid, 6 500kV lines, 31 220kV lines, 96 110kV lines were taken out of operation due to incidents or proactively cut to ensure safety.

Regarding the medium and low voltage power grid, due to the impact of strong storms, many distribution lines and transformer stations had problems or had to proactively cut off power to ensure customer safety.

According to EVN's statistics at the evening of September 7, the number of customers without power due to the storm was quite high. Of which, Quang Ninh had over 95% of customers without power; Hai Phong: over 95%, Bac Giang: about 70%, Ha Nam: about 30%, Nam Dinh: about 34%, Phu Tho 20%...

In Hanoi alone, although Typhoon Yagi caused many power grid problems, the capital's electricity sector has been working hard to ensure electricity supply for the people.

Notably, when storm Yagi moved into Hanoi with heavy rain and strong winds, on social networks, some websites spread information that "power outage in Hanoi at 6:00 p.m. on September 7".

After this information appeared, Lao Dong Newspaper reporters contacted EVN Hanoi representatives to verify. At that time, although EVN Hanoi leaders were directly on the scene to direct the response to the super typhoon, ensuring safe operation of the power system, they promptly informed that "Hanoi will not cut off power" and at the same time denied false rumors on social networks.

In Hanoi, storm No. 3 made landfall, knocking down a series of trees and causing many problems with the power grid. Electricians in the capital rushed to work, trying to restore power to the people in time.
In Hanoi, Typhoon Yagi made landfall, knocking down a series of trees and causing many problems with the power grid. Electricians in the capital rushed to work, trying to restore power to the people in time. Photo: Hoang Hop
orange-shirted workers perched precariously on high poles to carry out the task of "rescuing electricity".
Workers in orange shirts perch on high poles to carry out the task of "saving electricity". Photo: EVN
Electricians in the northern provinces have isolated the problem and urgently restored the power grid.
Electricians in the Northern provinces have isolated the problem and urgently restored the power grid. Photo: Lan Anh

To minimize the damage caused by super typhoon Yagi, efforts must be made to bury the power grid throughout the city. Currently, EVN Hanoi has buried 100% of the medium-voltage power grid in Hanoi's inner city. Accordingly, the unit has buried medium and low-voltage lines on 180 streets with more than 1,100 km of wires and about 4,000 low-voltage cabinets, thereby recovering more than 6,000 electric poles of all kinds.

According to the unit's leader, in addition to the urban aesthetic factor, undergrounding contributes to improving the reliability of the power grid, eliminating incidents that cause transmission interruptions due to natural disasters such as storms and floods, or caused by people unintentionally such as balloon jams, kite flying, scaffolding, etc.

As for some areas where trees fell on power lines and substations, leading to power outages, EVN Hanoi has deployed more than 3,000 staff members to directly handle incidents and damage caused by the storm. At the same time, it has urgently deployed response measures, quickly resolved and ensured continuous and stable power supply for the people.

As soon as the wind died down, the orange-shirted workers of the capital rushed out to count the damage, isolate the incident, and urgently restore the power grid with the goal of restoring power as soon as possible, helping people quickly stabilize their lives after the fierce storm.

Send more staff to restore power soon

According to the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC), as of 9:00 p.m. on September 7, storm Yagi had caused extensive damage to the medium and low voltage power grid in 15 northern provinces and cities, affecting over 3 million customers.

EVNNPC Chairman Do Nguyet Anh also directed the Executive Board to promptly mobilize human and material resources from all units in EVNNPC to support power companies in overcoming the consequences as soon as storm No. 3 passes.

This morning, 8 working groups from EVNNPC also went to the northern provinces to support and overcome the damage.

Including support for two provinces that suffered heavy damage due to the storm. In Quang Ninh, 12 medium voltage poles and 2 low voltage poles were broken, about 461,000 customers (over 180 lines) lost power.

In Hai Phong, the damage to the medium and low voltage grid has not yet been counted, but there are about 500,000 customers on 142 power lines without power. Thai Binh currently has about 619,000 customers on 111 power lines without power. Thanh Hoa has more than 32,650 customers on 7 power lines without power...

EVNNPC leaders have directed power companies to pay special attention to providing early power to important loads and flood pumping substations as soon as weather conditions permit.

Cường Ngô

Ban hành Lệnh báo động cấp đặc biệt ứng phó siêu bão Yagi

Cường Ngô |

Tổng Công ty Điện lực Hà Nội ban hành Lệnh báo động cấp đặc biệt để ứng phó với cơn bão Yagi năm 2024.

Bão Yagi tàn phá, nhiều trạm biến áp tách khỏi vận hành

Cường Ngô |

Thông tin về công tác ứng phó với cơn bão số 3 (bão Yagi), Tổng công ty Điện lực miền Bắc cho biết, đến thời điểm hiện tại, nhiều nơi đã xuất hiện sự cố về điện.

Thông tin ban đầu về hậu quả của siêu bão Yagi

Cường Ngô |

Do ảnh hưởng bởi siêu bão Yagi, tính đến 14h ngày 7.9, gần như toàn bộ phụ tải của tỉnh Quảng Ninh và 80% phụ tải của TP Hải Phòng bị mất điện.

Một nhà hàng ở Yên Bái bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện bão lũ

Trần Bùi |

Một nhà hàng trên địa bàn TP Yên Bái bị đoàn khách từ thiện tố "chặt chém" khi thu hóa đơn tới gần 5 triệu đồng cho bữa cơm 12 người.

Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay


Cơ quan chức năng tại tỉnh Bình Dương cho biết, sáng nay (19.9), bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù sau khi được xét giảm án.

Bão số 4 chưa vào, cây cối ở Quảng Bình đã bật gốc


Bão số 4 chưa vào, cây cối tại đường Võ Thị Sáu (TP Đồng Hới, tỉnh Quảng Bình) đã bật gốc.

Ứng phó bão số 4, chủ động với các tình huống xấu nhất xảy ra


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu quyết liệt ứng phó bão số 4 theo phương châm "bốn tại chỗ", chủ động xử lý các tình huống xấu nhất có thể xảy ra.

Cầu trên tuyến nối Hòa Bình với Hà Nội bị nứt gãy, sụt mố

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Cầu Ngòi Móng trên tỉnh lộ 445 (tuyến đường nối thành phố Hòa Bình) bất ngờ bị nứt, sụt mố cầu lúc nửa đêm, may mắn không gây thiệt hại về người.

Issued Special Alert Order to Respond to Super Typhoon Yagi

Cường Ngô |

Hanoi Electricity Corporation issued a special alert to respond to Typhoon Yagi in 2024.

Typhoon Yagi wreaks havoc, many transformer stations are out of operation

Cường Ngô |

Regarding the response to storm number 3 ( storm Yagi ), the Northern Power Corporation said that up to now, many places have experienced power problems.

Initial information on the consequences of super typhoon Yagi

Cường Ngô |

Due to the impact of super typhoon Yagi , as of 2:00 p.m. on September 7, almost all of Quang Ninh province's load and 80% of Hai Phong city's load lost power.