700 billion VND project behind schedule, dirty and dangerous


Binh Duong - The DX02 extended road project, only 3km long, has been implemented since 2020 and is still not completed. Many areas are dirty and dangerous for people.

Recently, people in Phu My ward, Thu Dau Mot city continue to complain about the DX02 road extension project, from Huynh Van Luy street to Dong Cay Viet street (inter-area 1-5, Phu My ward, Thu Dau Mot city) being under construction for a long time, being messy, and causing danger to traffic participants.

According to research, this is a public investment project assigned to the Thu Dau Mot City Construction Investment Project Management Board as the investor. The project has a total investment capital of about 700 billion VND.

On December 20, 2021, Thu Dau Mot City People's Committee issued Decision No. 5474 approving the selection results of Ngoc Bao Construction and Trading Company Limited to win the bid for this road construction and equipment package with a value of 95.8 billion VND. The contract implementation period is 360 days (including holidays, Saturdays and Sundays). The contractor selection consultant is Quang Minh Construction Technology Consulting Company Limited.

DX02 extended road project. Photo: Dinh Trong

According to the schedule, the project should have been completed and put into use from 2023. However, the project encountered problems in relocating the power grid and compensating for site clearance. Therefore, the project was delayed and has not been completed yet.

According to records, currently, both sides of the sidewalk and the entire road surface have been basically completed. The electric poles have also been relocated.

However, the project is quite shabby, the starting point connects to the bumpy Huynh Van Luy street. Next is the section where the land has not been cleared yet, with grass and trees growing wildly.

Tuyen duong chi 3km nhung thuc hien tu nam 2020 toi nay chua xong. Anh: Dinh Trong
The route is only 3km long but has not been completed since 2020. Photo: Dinh Trong

Some sections have not been paved yet, leaving grass growing and water stagnating, posing a danger to road users.

The poles have not been installed with electric poles protruding from them, posing a danger to pedestrians on the sidewalk. In addition, some points show signs of damage.

Some manhole covers protrude higher than the road surface, also posing a danger to people.

Meanwhile, trees have not been planted on both sides of the road. Deep holes where water accumulates can be dangerous for people.

Diem dau du an da thay su nhech nhac. Anh: Dinh Trong
The project's starting point was already shabby. Photo: Dinh Trong

According to the Binh Duong Provincial Inspectorate, this is one of three projects selected for inspection recently. When the project was only 60% complete, the inspectorate discovered some areas that had not been compacted.

Notably, the Binh Duong Provincial Inspectorate pointed out that the Thu Dau Mot City Construction Investment Project Management Board's inspection of the bidding documents of Quang Minh Construction Technology Consulting Company Limited, which provided bidding consultancy, was not strict. This led to the appraisal and approval of bidding documents with some evaluation criteria that were not suitable for the scale and technical nature of the bidding package.

Nhieu doan thi cong dang do. Anh: Dinh Trong
Many construction sections are unfinished. Photo: Dinh Trong
Co moc, nuoc dong gay nguy hiem cho nguoi dan. Anh: Dinh Trong
Grass and stagnant water pose a danger to people. Photo: Dinh Trong
Duong chua lap den chieu sang, cac hoc tru co bieu hien hu hong. Anh: Dinh Trong
The road has no lighting yet, and the pillars show signs of damage. Photo: Dinh Trong
Cay xanh chua duoc trong, cac ho trung dong nuoc. Anh: Dinh Trong
Trees have not been planted, water is stagnant in the holes. Photo: Dinh Trong
Duong dang bang phang, nap cong nho cao khoang 5cm cung co the gay nguy hiem cho nguoi di duong. Anh: Dinh Trong
Manhole covers that are about 5cm high can be dangerous for passersby. Photo: Dinh Trong
Nap cong thoat nuoc chua duoc lap dat hoan chinh, nho cao hon via he. Anh: Dinh Trong
The manhole cover has not been fully installed and is higher than the sidewalk. Photo: Dinh Trong
Nguoi dan kien nghi som thi cong dut diem tuyen duong, tranh tai nan dang tiec. Anh: Dinh Trong
People petition to complete the road construction soon to avoid unfortunate accidents. Photo: Dinh Trong

Increased monitoring

Binh Duong Provincial Inspectorate requested the People's Committee of Thu Dau Mot City to supervise the implementation of construction contracts according to schedule; Strengthen supervision and management of construction quality, design - estimate preparation and appraisal of estimate documents.


Lý do đơn vị tư vấn đấu thầu làm sai nhưng không bị xử phạt


Tại Bình Dương, có những công ty tư vấn đấu thầu các dự án đầu tư công làm sai, nhưng không bị xử phạt do hành vi vi phạm đã quá thời hiệu xử lý.

Thanh tra Bình Dương chỉ ra vi phạm ở 3 dự án đầu tư công


Thanh tra tỉnh Bình Dương đã thanh tra 3 dự án đầu tư công ở thành phố Thủ Dầu Một, giai đoạn 2021-2023, và chỉ ra các vi phạm liên quan.

Nhiều dự án nhà ở xã hội tại Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu chậm tiến độ

Thành An |

Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu - Dự kiến phát triển 12.798 căn nhà ở xã hội giai đoạn 2023-2025, song đến hết 2024 chỉ có thể bố trí 313 căn nhà ở xã hội.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Gia hạn xác minh vụ luận án tiến sĩ bị tố đạo văn


HUẾ - Đại học Huế vừa có thông báo liên quan đến vụ việc luận án tiến sĩ của trưởng phòng nghiên cứu khoa học bị tố đạo văn.

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Đám cháy xảy ra vào khoảng 12h trưa 17.9, tại một nhà dân trong ngõ 58 Trần Bình (quận Cầu Giấy, TP Hà Nội).

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UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.

Giám định nguyên nhân, phân định trách nhiệm vụ sập cầu Phong Châu

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Phú Thọ - Bộ Xây dựng vừa có công văn gửi UBND tỉnh Phú Thọ về việc giải quyết sự cố công trình cầu Phong Châu.

The reason why the bidding consultant made mistakes but was not punished


In Binh Duong, there are consulting companies that bid for public investment projects that made mistakes, but were not punished because the violation had passed the statute of limitations.

Binh Duong Inspectorate points out violations in 3 public investment projects


Binh Duong Provincial Inspectorate has inspected 3 public investment projects in Thu Dau Mot city, phase 2021-2023, and pointed out related violations.

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