Hundreds of people conducted a fire drill at the oil depot in Huế


HUE - More than 300 officials and soldiers participated in the drill of the firefighting and rescue plan at the Chân Mây oil depot (Thừa Thiên Huế).

On August 6, the People's Committee of Thừa Thiên Huế Province organized a drill for the emergency response plan firefighting and CNCH at the Chân Mây Oil Depot with the participation of over 300 officials, soldiers, and employees from various agencies and units.

The drill took place at the Chân Mây Oil Depot, which is owned by PetroVietnam Oil Corporation in the Chân Mây - Lăng Cô Economic Zone, put into operation in 2008 with a total storage capacity of 7000m3.

The drill included 3 hypothetical scenarios at different levels: discovering a fire, a fire spreading, and a fire spreading rapidly with multiple complex factors.

These scenarios aimed to test the ability of forces and units to coordinate and work together in combat, as well as their ability to handle fire and explosion incidents and CNCH.

The area where the firefighting drill took place. Photo: Trần Hồng.
The area where the firefighting drill took place. Photo: Trần Hồng.

Despite the hot weather and complex situation, thanks to the efforts, sense of responsibility, and initiative of the participating forces, after more than an hour of effort, with the support of modern firefighting equipment, the forces were able to completely extinguish the fires.

After the drill, the firefighting forces met to evaluate and draw lessons to supplement and perfect the firefighting plan from real-life experience.

This was also an opportunity for functional forces to evaluate the actual performance and effectiveness of various equipment and devices, as well as to check the ability to mobilize forces and equipment of agencies, units, and facilities on the province's territory to handle incidents and accidents.

Speaking at the drill, Deputy Chairman of the People's Committee of Thừa Thiên Huế Province Hoàng Hải Minh highly appreciated the spirit and sense of responsibility of the participating forces when they prioritized firefighting, CNCH, and human life; organized the drill in a thorough and practical manner. He also requested the units to draw lessons, continue to perfect the plan, and ensure the implementation of coordination and cooperation between forces when incidents occur in real-life situations.


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