Dangerous actions of students violating traffic laws

Tô Thế |

During the process, the authorities recorded many cases of students violating traffic laws, not obeying orders, turning around and running away.

Dangerous action

To carry out the peak of handling students violating road traffic laws, Hanoi Traffic Police deployed working groups to work on roads with many schools.

During the process, the authorities recorded many cases of students not obeying orders to stop for inspection, turning around and running away.

For example, a male 12th grade student at To Hien Thanh High School (Ha Dong District) was driving a 125cc motorbike, license plate 59G2-649.XX, without wearing a helmet. When he saw Special Task Force No. 5 (Traffic Police Department, Hanoi City Police) on duty on Chua Boc Street (Dong Da District), the male student recklessly turned around and ran away.

However, the task force quickly stopped the vehicle. In his statement to the authorities, the male student said he ran away because he was afraid of being punished.

Nam hoc sinh quay xe bo chay bat thanh. Anh: The Ky
Male student unsuccessfully tried to turn around and run away. Photo: The Century

The task force has drawn up an administrative violation report for this male student and will send a notice to the school and parents. In addition, the student’s parents must go to the police station to clarify the act of giving the vehicle to a minor to drive.

Also at the checkpoint of Special Task Force No. 5, P.N.G.B (16 years old, vocational school student) was driving a motorbike with license plate 29H1-808.XX without wearing a helmet. Before being stopped by the Task Force, G.B also turned around and ran away.

"Students who are not old enough to drive a motorbike have limited control of the vehicle and handling of situations on the road, which poses a potential risk of accidents. In addition, their understanding of traffic laws is not high, so they are prone to violations.

Not only students, but anyone else, turning around and running away when seeing the police is an extremely dangerous act, endangering the safety of themselves and other traffic participants," said an officer of Special Task Force No. 5.

Nearly 2,000 violations detected in 1 week

According to information from the Hanoi Traffic Police Department, in the first week of the peak period of ensuring traffic order and safety for school-age children (from October 1 to present), the forces have handled 1,849 cases, temporarily detained 1,058 vehicles of all kinds, of which 1,683 cases were handled for helmet violations, 332 cases were handled for students who were not qualified to drive, and 66 parents were fined for giving their vehicles to unqualified drivers...

Authorities say that traffic violations among school-age children are still high. Some students have a tendency to express themselves through potentially high-risk behaviors, such as not wearing helmets, weaving, speeding, and even gathering in rows on the road. These are high-risk behaviors that can lead to traffic accidents, endangering other road users and the students themselves.

Nhieu phu huynh vi pham giao thong khi cho con tren xe. Anh: The Ky
Many parents violate traffic laws when carrying their children in the car. Photo: The Century
CSGT phat to roi tuyen truyen cho phu huynh, hoc sinh. Anh: The Ky
Traffic police distribute propaganda leaflets to parents and students. Photo: The Century

In addition, a more worrying issue is that many parents often violate traffic laws when driving their children, unintentionally becoming a bad example for their children.

The Traffic Police Department has identified that ensuring traffic order and safety for school-age children is one of the top priorities in ensuring traffic order and safety, which will be implemented until the end of the 2025-2026 school year and throughout the following school years.

Tô Thế

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