Floods sweep away homes, leaving debt heavy on the shoulders of survivors


The historic flash flood that occurred at the end of July in the border commune of Muong Pon (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province) created a heavy debt burden on the shoulders of the lucky survivors.

The haunting in the hearts of the people

The terrible flash flood not only took the lives of many people, but also caused severe material damage, pushing many families into poverty.

For the family of Mr. Lo Van Doi (Muong Pon 1 village, Muong Pon commune), the fierce flood took away his son Lo Van Pieng (32 years old) and his 5-month-old granddaughter Lo Linh Dan, along with all the house and property of his son and daughter-in-law.

Sau 2 thang ke tu khi tran lu quet kinh hoang xay ra, xa Muong Pon van chua het canh hoang tan.
Two months after the devastating flash flood, Muong Pon commune is still devastated.

According to Mr. Doi, after getting married in early 2023, the young couple tried to open a small restaurant in Muong Pon 1 village to make a living. However, the dream of a bright future was suddenly swept away by the flood waters after just one fateful night.

Not long before, Mr. Doi's children had to borrow money from everywhere to build their own lives. Among them, there was a bank debt of 50 million VND and an additional nearly 100 million VND borrowed from relatives and siblings. "Now that we have lost our children and grandchildren, and only have our daughter-in-law left, we don't know how to pay off all this debt," Mr. Doi said.

Quan an nho cua vo chong anh Lo Van Pieng truoc khi bi tran lu quet xoa so. Anh gia dinh nhan vat cung cap
The small restaurant of Mr. Lo Van Pieng and his wife before it was wiped out by the flash flood. Photo provided by the family.

Before the flash flood, many people still owed money for food from the restaurant, the amount amounted to tens of millions of dong, but now, all the records have been washed away by the flood. Now, the debt burden weighs heavily on the shoulders of the young woman.

In Muong Pon commune, the flash flood caused severe property damage to hundreds of families, who are now immersed in anxiety about debts and loans to rebuild their lives. Mr. Quang Van Han (Tin Toc village, Muong Pon commune) suffered indescribable pain when his newly completed stilt house was swept away less than a year ago.

Can nha tam moi duoc gia dinh ong Quang Van Han o Muong Pon dung len de cho tai dinh cu. Anh: Quang Dat
The new temporary house was built by Mr. Quang Van Han's family in Muong Pon to wait for resettlement. Photo: Quang Dat

“All our assets are gone, everything is gone. To have a 4-room stilt house completed by the end of 2023, my family had to borrow 50 million VND from the bank,” Mr. Han said in despair:

According to Mr. Han, the monthly bank interest of nearly 400,000 VND is already a burden. With the remaining debt and the deadline to pay it in 2025, he is really worried and does not know how to manage.

“In addition, my family still owes nearly 50 million VND in construction materials to build a house. Therefore, we hope the bank can consider and support my family by extending the debt and allowing us to borrow more capital, so that we have more time to stabilize and rebuild the house,” said Mr. Han.

Canh dong vang tru phu gio day tro nen hoang vu.
The fertile golden fields are now just barren. Photo: Thanh Binh

Many families fall into poverty.

While helping her relatives harvest rice in the fields left behind by the flash floods, Ms. Lo Thi Chien (Muong Pon 2 village, Muong Pon commune) could not hide her anxiety: “My family lost an entire hectare of rice. Each crop, my family harvested about 120 bags of rice. Now, we don’t know where to get rice to eat.”

Not only did Ms. Chien’s family lose the entire rice crop, she also had to shoulder a debt of 10 million VND for fertilizer. Every year, Ms. Chien’s family and many other households in the mountainous region have to pay for fertilizer, and only pay back the debt when they harvest and sell the rice.

In difficult circumstances and poor health, Ms. Chien is even more worried because she still owes the bank 20 million VND and the loan will be due next year. "I have lung disease, I have to go to the hospital every 2-3 months, each hospital visit costs 2-3 million VND so I have to borrow money for treatment" - Ms. Chien said.

Ba Lo Thi Chien di gat giup nguoi than vi toan bo dien tich lua cua gia dinh ba da mat trang.
Ms. Lo Thi Chien went to harvest rice to help her relatives because her family's entire rice field was lost. Photo: Quang Dat

Mrs. Chien’s family situation is similar to that of many other households in Muong Pon commune. Many families have lost their livestock and poultry, causing great economic losses.

According to statistics from the People's Committee of Dien Bien district, the flash flood in Muong Pon commune buried and washed away 123 hectares of productive land. In particular, 66.5 hectares of land were buried and could not be recovered.

As previously reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, the heavy rain and flash flood occurred on the night of July 24 and early morning of July 25 in Muong Pon commune, leaving 7 people dead and missing. The flash flood also swept away dozens of houses, many collapsed and about 100 others were damaged.


Bên trong những ngôi nhà tạm vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn


Điện Biên - Trong khi chờ tái định cư sau lũ quét từ gần 2 tháng trước, nhiều người dân vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn đang phải dựng lên những ngôi nhà tạm.

Bao giờ người dân rốn lũ Mường Pồn mới ổn định cuộc sống?


Đã gần 2 tháng kể từ khi xảy ra trận lũ lịch sử, người dân vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn (huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên) vẫn đang chờ phương án tái định cư.

Trở lại Mường Pồn - 1 tháng sau lũ quét lịch sử


Đã 1 tháng kể từ khi trận lũ quét kinh hoàng xảy ra, người dân xã Mường Pồn (huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên) vẫn còn chưa hết bàng hoàng.

Nhiều điểm sạt lở nghiêm trọng sau bão ở Đồ Sơn, Hải Phòng

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Đồng Nai - Hàng trăm người dân đổ xô xuống đập tràn của hồ Thủy điện Trị An để bắt cá khủng, kiếm tiền triệu.

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Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn qua xã Việt Vinh (huyện Bắc Quang) đã vùi lấp nhiều người và phương tiện.

Lực lượng chức năng căng mình phân luồng cầu phao Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Ngày 30.9, khi cầu phao Phong Châu thông xe, lưu lượng phương tiện đổ về rất đông, các lực lượng chức năng phải căng mình điều tiết giao thông.

Inside temporary houses in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon


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Nearly two months have passed since the historic flood, but people in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province) are still waiting for a resettlement plan.

Return to Muong Pon - 1 month after historic flash flood


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