People in the highlands of Quang Binh are happy to have clean water


Quang Binh - One year since the people of Thuong Trach highland commune had water to use, bringing clean water here has always been a joy in the hearts of the people.

The days of "finding" water

Thuong Trach border commune (Bo Trach district, Quang Binh province) is located west of Bo Trach district, with people of the Macoong, Chut, and Bru Van Kieu ethnic groups.

Previously, the commune was an area with difficulty in running water, people in the villages all went to nearby streams to get water for use. It's close, but with the hilly, up-and-down road, the bucket or barrel you carry can't hold much water. Therefore, each person has to go get water several times a day.

As for washing and bathing, it's right at the stream. In the dry season, many water streams dry up, and in the rainy season, the water rises and becomes muddy, causing danger to people. Using common water flows also risks pollution, does not ensure environmental hygiene as well as affects people's health.

Thuong Trach commune is a highland locality in Quang Binh province. Photo: Cong Sang
Thuong Trach commune is a highland locality in Quang Binh province. Photo: Cong Sang

Faced with those concerns, the commune government and Con Roang Border Guard Station (Quang Binh Province Border Guard) have sought resources to help people have clean water to use.

Major Truong Tan Hop, Con Roang Border Guard Station, recounted that in the past, the unit had surveyed and built many clean water wells to serve the people. However, due to geological conditions, the wells can only be used for a period of time, the amount of underground water is not enough for daily life, so people have to go to streams to get water.

This time, to ensure the longest term, the Border Guard Station held a meeting to discuss with the commune authorities and people to survey water withdrawal points and come up with the best plan.

"Drawing" clean water to the commune

Having the resources, having the funds, finding a location to drill wells, all work can be started immediately. In the summer of 2023, the people of Thuong Trach commune are excited when soldiers and many units, machinery and equipment are present in the villages to build clean water projects.

Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Quang Hoa, Chief of Con Roang Border Guard Station, said that the installation of pumps, generators, water pipes, tanks, and concrete floors were all organized by border guards in coordination with young people. In implementation, progress, quality and cost savings should be guaranteed.

Everyone, from old to young, to young people, to women, everyone contributes a hand to make things happen faster. From funding sources, volunteer support and dozens of days of work from the border guards, 9 clean water projects have been completed and put into use to serve the people of 8 villages and 1 primary school in Cooc village. .

"Having clean water makes us very happy. We are grateful to the government and border guards for taking care of the people. People feel more secure to produce," said Mr. Ho Dang, a resident.

People here are excited to have clean water. Photo: Cong Sang
People here are excited to have clean water. Photo: Cong Sang

When the clean, cool water was pumped, everyone cheered. From now on, people no longer have to go to the stream to carry buckets of water to use, and vegetable gardens now also have water to irrigate. At the school, teachers also feel more secure to teach their children. They do not need to go get water every day. When it rains, they can collect water to use. Each well has a pump that pumps water into tanks for people to pick up and use, and has a clean floor.

Chairman of Thuong Trach Commune People's Committee Dinh Cu said: "Since having clean water on site for use, people are much happier, while ensuring health hygiene for each home; It also supports livestock farming and farming. Through that, it also strengthens the military-civilian bond."


Vợ chồng bác sĩ vùng cao dùng nhà làm trạm y tế lưu động


Giữa bản làng hoang tàn sau lũ quét, trạm y tế lưu động giống như ngọn lửa sưởi ấm cho người dân xã biên giới Mường Pồn, huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên.

Món quà vô giá đối với các em học sinh vùng cao


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A priceless gift for highland students


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Make every effort to repel poverty in highland areas

Thu Giang - Ái Vân - Anh Huy |

The Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels promotes the strength of the great national unity bloc to help and care for the poor and people in difficult circumstances.