Fear of losing Tet in the largest peach blossom growing region of Tuyen Quang

Việt Bắc |

After the flood, more than half of the peach blossom trees in Nong Tien ward, the largest peach blossom growing area in Tuyen Quang, died or were unable to bloom during this year's Lunar New Year.

On October 7, nearly a month after the historic flood, Mr. Hinh of Group 8, Nong Tien Ward, Tuyen Quang City still had not finished processing the dead peach blossom trees due to prolonged flooding. Of the family's more than 700 ornamental peach blossom trees, nearly half were dead or no longer able to bloom during this year's Lunar New Year.

"Many other families have already cut down their peach blossom trees, but I tried to save my peach blossom garden, saving every tree I could. I cut down the trees that couldn't be saved. With more than 400 dead trees that can't bloom, this Tet is considered a loss," Mr. Hinh lamented.

Not far away, Ms. Lien's peach blossom garden (Group 9, Nong Tien Ward) was almost completely damaged by more than 500 peach blossom trees planted right on the bank of the Lo River. For nearly a week now, Ms. Lien and her husband have been doing the undesirable job of burning the dead peach blossom trees.

Anh Hinh xot xa nhin ca tram goc dao canh heo kho sau lu. Anh: Viet Bac.
Mr. Hinh sadly looked at hundreds of withered peach blossom trees after the flood. Photo: Viet Bac.

Ms. Lien said: "Any tree that is still viable will be cut down to the base to wait for it to sprout and grow for the following year. Currently, my entire garden only has about 100 trees that can be saved. Last year, I earned more than 200 million from peach blossoms for Tet, but this year, it is considered a total loss."

Nong Tien is known as the largest peach blossom growing area in Tuyen Quang with about 12 hectares. The historic flood in Tuyen Quang after more than 20 years recently caused damage to nearly half of the Nong Tien peach blossom growing area.

According to the People's Committee of Nong Tien Ward, about 150 households are growing peach blossom trees in the area, and peach blossom trees are currently considered one of the main crops with income for growers from 100 million to 300 million VND/year.

However, after the recent flood, almost every family suffered losses, some even lost their entire Tet peach crop. Currently, people are focusing on restoring the dead peach blossom trees, placing their hopes on the coming years.

Some recorded images:

Nhung vuon dao canh ven song Lo tai phuong Nong Tien chet kho sau khi nuoc lu rut di. Anh: Viet Bac.
Peach gardens along the Lo River in Nong Tien Ward withered after floodwaters receded. Photo: Viet Bac.
Phan lon cay dao bi thoi re, chet kho sau nhieu ngay bi ngap nuoc. Anh: Viet Bac.
Most peach blossom trees suffered root rot and died after being flooded for many days. Photo: Viet Bac.
Mot so cay con co the cuu duoc thi phai nhieu nam nua moi cho thu hoach. Anh: Viet Bac.
Some trees that can still be saved will take many years to harvest. Photo: Viet Bac.
Nhieu gia dinh bi thiet hai nang khi nhieu goc dao hang chuc nam tuoi khong the cuu van. Anh: Viet Bac.
Many households suffered heavy losses when decades-old peach blossom trees could not be saved. Photo: Viet Bac.
Dao chet kho chat dong tren khap cac vuon o vung trong dao lon nhat Tuyen Quang. Anh: Viet Bac.
Dried dead peach blossom trees pile up in gardens across the largest peach blossom growing region of Tuyen Quang. Photo: Viet Bac.
Dao chet duoc dot bo trong su bat luc cung noi lo mat Tet cua nguoi nong dan. Anh: Viet Bac.
Dead peach blossom trees are burned in helplessness and fear of losing Tet. Photo: Viet Bac.
Tuy vay, voi nguoi dan vung dao Nong Tien, khi nhung mam xanh nay no tu than cay heo kho da cho ho hi vong ve nhung vu dao tuoi tot, am no. Anh: Viet Bac.
However, for the people of the Nong Tien peach region, when green buds sprout from the withered tree trunks, it gives them hope for a prosperous and prosperous peach blossom crop. Photo: Viet Bac.
Việt Bắc

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