Devastation on Lo River banks through Tuyen Quang after historic flood

Việt Bắc |

Tuyen Quang - Many locations on the banks and agricultural land along the Lo River were devastated by landslides after the historic flood in mid-September 2024.

The water level of the Lo River in Tuyen Quang has now returned to normal after the historic flood in mid-September 2024. However, the large flood and strong currents have caused the riverbanks and beaches to collapse, causing people's agricultural land to be swept away by the river.

Recorded on October 3, more than half a month after the flood, many landslides appeared on the banks of the Lo River through Tuyen Quang City. Large areas of land and crops that had collapsed into the riverbed were still intact.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Lien in Nong Tien Ward (Tuyen Quang City) said that the flood water rose high and covered more than 1,000 square meters of her family's agricultural land along the Lo River. After the flood receded, many areas along the riverbank were washed away.

"It's been more than 20 years since there was such a big flood. Luckily, the corn crop was harvested in time. But more than 100 peach trees, big and small, in my family almost died from being soaked in water for so long. This year's Tet harvest will be a failure," Ms. Lien lamented.

Khoang 70% dien tich dao canh trong ven song Lo tai phuong Nong Tien (TP Tuyen Quang) da bi xoa so sau lu. Anh: Viet Bac.
About 70% of the peach blossom area planted along the Lo River in Nong Tien Ward (Tuyen Quang City) was wiped out after the flood. Photo: Viet Bac

Similar situations occurred in a series of other localities along the Lo River such as An Tuong, An Khang, Thai Long communes of Tuyen Quang city, Dong Tho, Cap Tien communes of Son Duong district. Thousands of square meters of agricultural land were swept away into the riverbed, leaving people heartbroken and helpless.

Not only losing agricultural land, the recent landslides along the Lo River have also eroded deep into the dike body, affecting the safety of the dike. After the flood, dozens of weak points appeared that needed to be reinforced and repaired.

Mr. Hoang Van Nien - Head of the Division of Agriculture and Rural Development (NNPTNT) of Son Duong district - said that the biggest difficulty in restoring and repairing damaged dikes in the area is the lack of funding and technical construction processes.

"When the water recedes, some structures will have to be left in a damaged state. In the long term, they need to be reinforced and repaired, because if there is a flood, it will seriously threaten crops and the lives of people living along the dike," said Mr. Nien.

In Son Duong district alone, the locality has sent a document to the People's Committee of Tuyen Quang province regarding the need for funding to support the repair of irrigation damage of about 38.5 billion VND to repair 5 dike works and build and repair 1 embankment to prevent landslides.

Meanwhile, according to estimates by authorities of Tuyen Quang province, the funding needed to repair irrigation and dike problems caused by storm No. 3 is more than 1,170 billion VND.

Some recorded images:

Bo song Lo khu vuc cau Nong Tien xuat hien sat lo sau lu. Anh: Viet Bac.
Landslides appeared on the bank of Lo River in the Nong Tien bridge area after the flood. Photo: Viet Bac
Bo song sat lo tan hoang da anh huong lon den doi song, sinh ke cua nhieu nguoi dan von dua vao song nuoc.
The landslides and devastation of the riverbank have greatly affected the lives and livelihoods of many people who depend on the river. Photo: Viet Bac
Cong vien doc bo song Lo tai TP Tuyen Quang nhieu hang muc hu hong sau lu. Anh: Viet Bac.
The park along the Lo River in Tuyen Quang City was just completed at the end of 2023, many items were damaged after the flood. Photo: Viet Bac
Song Lo chay qua tinh Tuyen Quang dai khoang 145km, doc theo cac huyen Ham Yen, Yen Son, Son Duong deu xuat hien nhieu vi tri sat lo. mat dat nong nghe
The Lo River flows through Tuyen Quang province for about 145 km, with many landslides appearing along Ham Yen, Yen Son, and Son Duong districts. Photo: Viet Bac
Tinh trang sat lo bo song Lo da dien ra tu nhieu nam nay va cang dien bien phuc tap sau lu lon vua qua. Anh: Viet Bac
The erosion of the Lo River bank has been going on for many years and has become more complicated after the recent flood. Photo: Viet Bac
Sat lo cung da anh huong den an toan de dieu va cac cong trinh thuy loi. Anh: Viet Bac.
Landslides have also affected the safety of dikes and irrigation works. Photo: Viet Bac

Nguoi dan chi co the bat luc nhin dat bo bai song Lo troi song cung noi lo mat sinh ke. Anh: Viet Bac.
People can only helplessly watch the land on the banks of the Lo River drift away, worrying about losing their livelihoods. Photo: Viet Bac
Việt Bắc

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First images at the scene of the Lo River dike break

Bài, ảnh: Nguyễn Tùng |

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