Quang Nam overcomes difficulties in disbursing capital for poverty reduction program

Hoàng Bin |

The disbursement rate of capital for the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Quang Nam is low, many districts have even asked to return the capital.

Low disbursement

As of September 2024, Quang Nam disbursed central and provincial budget capital in 2024 for the National Target Program (NTP) for poverty reduction only reaching more than 272.5 billion VND, a rate of 21%.

Nguon von chinh sach giam ngheo giup nguoi dan mien nui Quang Nam dau tu phat trien mo hinh san xuat, vuon len thoat ngheo. Anh: Huy Truong
Poverty reduction policy capital is a support to help people in the mountainous areas of Quang Nam escape poverty. Photo: Huy Truong

The low disbursement rate has caused many district-level localities to propose returning the capital of the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in 2024, such as: Que Son district proposed returning more than 9.5 billion VND, Duy Xuyen district more than 8.2 billion VND, Hiep Duc district more than 7.1 billion VND, Dai Loc district more than 7.5 billion VND.

Mr. Ho Ngoc Man - Vice Chairman of Dai Loc District People's Committee said that the locality has allocated nearly 3.3 billion VND out of nearly 11 billion VND, reaching a rate of 30%.

Although there are still 765 poor households, the district still requests to return the capital because most of the poor households are currently unable to work. Many households refuse to register to participate in the poverty reduction project, despite the government's active advocacy.

According to Ms. Truong Thi Loc - Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Quang Nam province, although the resources are large, the implementation of the program is difficult, as some of the central government's instructions are unclear and some have not been instructed.

Some component projects have too few supported objects, or have them but there is no need for support because they have been supported by businesses, so implementation results are limited and disbursement is low.

Quang Nam gap nhieu kho khan trong giai ngan von chinh sach giam ngheo. Anh: Nguyen Hoang
Quang Nam faces many difficulties in disbursing poverty reduction policy capital. Photo: Nguyen Hoang

With each sub-project having many difficulties, from now until the end of 2024, the whole province must make every effort to achieve the goal of disbursing sustainable poverty reduction capital sources.

Efforts to remove obstacles

According to Mr. Le Van Dung - Chairman of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee, in addition to the mechanisms, policies and regulations issued by the Central Government, there are still some overlaps, problems and have not been amended, the subjective reason leading to low disbursement of poverty reduction capital is that initially the advisory agencies allocated capital not close to the actual situation; the direction and management of Party committees and authorities at all levels is not drastic.

Nong thon moi mien nui Quang Nam khoi sac nho chuong trinh MTQG giam ngheo. Anh: Nguyen Hoang
New rural areas in the mountainous areas of Quang Nam have flourished thanks to the National Target Program on Poverty Reduction. Photo: Nguyen Hoang

Quang Nam leaders emphasized that the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction has great social significance, affecting people's lives in many ways. Therefore, any locality or unit that proposes to return allocated funds must seriously review and clarify the responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals.

"The entire political system must join in to resolve the problem. Don't give up when faced with difficulties. We will strive to quickly increase the disbursement rate of investment capital. The Provincial People's Committee will not accept the return of allocated capital, except in cases of force majeure," said Mr. Le Van Dung.

Hoàng Bin

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Hoàng Bin |

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