Reconstruction of Nam Tong residential area after landslide buried houses

Đinh Đại |

On September 22, Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee coordinated with Vietnam Television to organize the groundbreaking ceremony to rebuild the residential area of ​​Nam Tong village after the terrible landslide.

The new Nam Tong resettlement area is located on a hill along both sides of the road to Nam Tong village (Nam Luc commune, Bac Ha district, Lao Cai province) - about 2km from Ban Cai hamlet. The entire area is 8.5ha, and will accommodate about 70 households, with an average area of ​​about 350m2/household. The area has a cultural house, a school, electricity and water systems, etc.

The construction site for the new residential area is safe and will be both a long-term residential address for people and meet the daily needs and normal life of the ethnic minorities here.

In the immediate future, 15 one-story houses will be built for 15 households in Ban Cai hamlet, designed in accordance with the traditions of the H'Mong people, along with auxiliary facilities such as kitchens and toilets.

Khoi cong xay dung, tai thiet khu dan cu thon Nam Tong. Anh: Viet Vinh
Construction and reconstruction of Nam Tong village residential area started 12 days after a landslide buried many households. Photo: Viet Vinh

The entire cost of building the resettlement area in Nam Tong village is sponsored by the Tam Long Viet Fund of Vietnam Television. The 12th Army Corps - Truong Son Construction Corporation, Ministry of National Defense is assigned to carry out the project. The Nam Tong resettlement area will be completed before December 31, 2024.

Previously, due to the impact of storm No. 3, at around 1:30 p.m. on September 10, in Ban Cai hamlet, Nam Tong village, Nam Luc commune, a landslide completely buried the houses of 8 households, leaving 18 people dead and missing, and 11 injured.

Ban Cai Hamlet has 15 households with 80 people, all of whom are Hmong ethnic households. The landslide occurred during the day, some people were working and going to other areas so they were lucky to escape.

Currently, all households in Ban Cai hamlet have been arranged by local authorities to stay temporarily or with relatives to wait for temporary housing and construction of a new resettlement residential area.

Millions of arms turn to compatriots affected by storms and floods

Storms and floods have caused severe damage in many northern provinces.

"A piece of food when hungry is worth a whole package when full", with the spirit of mutual love that has always been a beautiful image of the Vietnamese people, the Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund calls on philanthropists at home and abroad to join hands to share with people affected by the storm and post-storm circulation.... to soon stabilize their lives.

The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank the precious affection of agencies, businesses, and philanthropists at home and abroad.

Please send all donations to: Tam Long Vang Charity Fund, 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Account number (STK): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi. STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank - Hanoi Branch, STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV - Hoan Kiem Branch. Or scan the following QR code:

Please transfer money with clear content of support.

Đinh Đại

LD 24069: Ước nguyện phẫu thuật cho con vùi dưới đất lạnh


Sau vụ sạt lở đất khiến hàng chục người chết, cô giáo Trương Thị Mai Ân đã ra đi khi ước nguyện lớn nhất là phẫu thuật lồng ngực cho con gái còn dang dở.

Sạt lở bờ sông Lô, Vĩnh Phúc công bố tình huống khẩn cấp

An Vi |

Theo UBND tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc, sự cố sạt lở nghiêm trọng bờ sông Lô đe dọa trực tiếp đến an toàn của hơn 164.000 người dân.

Tìm thấy thêm 1 thi thể nạn nhân trong vụ sạt lở ở Bắc Hà

Đinh Đại |

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Phong Linh - Ngân Tâm |

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Nhiều tài sản công ở Quảng Ngãi bị bỏ hoang


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Bùi Đức |

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Hoàng Bin - Phú Thiện |

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LD 24069: Wish for surgery for child buried in cold ground


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Lo River bank landslide, Vinh Phuc declares emergency situation

An Vi |

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Another body found in the landslide in Bac Ha

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - After 10 days of searching, authorities found 14 bodies in a landslide in Nam Luc commune, Bac Ha district.