Deputy Minister of National Defence directs search for martyrs' remains


Kien Giang - Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong proposed to develop a plan to search for and collect martyrs' remains in line with the characteristics, situation, and tasks of the locality.

On October 7, a working delegation from the Ministry of National Defence led by Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong - Deputy Minister of National Defence, Deputy Head of National Steering Committee 515 - inspected the implementation of the task of searching for and collecting martyrs' remains and identifying missing cases in 2024 with Steering Committee 515 of Kien Giang province.

According to the report, in 2024, the Provincial Party Committee, Steering Committee 515 of Kien Giang province; Party committees, local authorities, leaders and commanders of agencies and units thoroughly grasped the viewpoints, guidelines and policies of the Party and State on the work of searching for, collecting martyrs' remains and identifying the remains of martyrs with missing information.

Notably, the leadership and direction have promoted information, propaganda, and mobilization work to provide information about martyrs and martyrs' graves, attracting the attention and consensus of the whole society; many organizations and individuals have proactively and actively provided information about martyrs and martyrs' graves.

The work of concluding the area, creating a map to search and collect martyrs’ remains was carried out systematically and consistently, achieving good results. The work of surveying, verifying, searching and collecting martyrs’ remains was carried out scientifically and in close coordination…

Doi K92 thuc hien cong tac tim kiem, quy tap hai cot liet si. Anh: Phuong Vu
Team K92 carries out the work of searching and collecting martyrs' remains. Photo: Phuong Vu

From October 2023 to September 30, 2024, Team K92 (Military Command of Kien Giang province) searched for and collected 48 martyrs' remains (27 in Cambodia and 21 in Vietnam); bringing the total number of martyrs' remains collected from 2001 to present to 2,123.

Steering Committee 515 of Kien Giang province has identified 17 martyrs by empirical methods; welcomed more than 5,000 relatives of martyrs from far away to visit and pay their respects at their graves; and transported 11 martyrs' remains back to their hometowns for burial according to the wishes of the martyrs' families.

However, in reality, in the process of carrying out its tasks, the Steering Committee 515 of Kien Giang province also encountered many difficulties such as: Information sources are increasingly scarce; the search terrain is mostly in remote areas; the terrain has changed a lot, the forests and mountains are rugged, the weather is harsh; the organization of collecting samples of martyrs' remains and samples of martyrs' relatives has not been implemented synchronously...

Speaking at the inspection, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong requested the Provincial Party Committee and Steering Committee 515 of Kien Giang province to pay attention to, thoroughly grasp and implement a number of key contents. Proactively develop a plan to search for, collect martyrs' remains and identify the remains of martyrs with missing information in 2025 in line with the characteristics, situation and tasks of the locality and unit.

The Deputy Minister of National Defence also noted that the Provincial Party Committee and Steering Committee 515 of Kien Giang province need to step up information and propaganda work; promote the combined strength of the entire political system, organizations, individuals, and people of all walks of life, especially veterans, in providing information about martyrs and martyrs' graves and coordinating to participate in searching for, collecting martyrs' remains and identifying the remains of martyrs with missing information.

Effectively organize the search and collection of martyrs' remains, especially in key areas with a lot of information about martyrs and martyrs' graves; well organize the departure ceremony, assignment of tasks, and welcoming ceremony for the search and collection team of martyrs' remains back to the country.

Effectively carry out the work of identifying the remains of martyrs with missing information. Regularly monitor, inspect and evaluate the implementation results at all levels; promptly correct and overcome errors and limitations; take appropriate measures to handle organizations and individuals who are irresponsible in the process of performing tasks.


Mùa khô 2023 - 2024, Kiên Giang quy tập 29 hài cốt liệt sĩ


Trên cơ sở tài liệu lưu trữ, lực lượng vũ trang và người dân cung cấp, Đội K92 đã nắm được thông tin, qua đó tìm kiếm, quy tập được 29 bộ hài cốt liệt sĩ.

Vùng 5 Hải quân có nhiều hoạt động tri ân ngày Thương binh Liệt sĩ


Ngoài bàn giao Nhà tình nghĩa, Vùng 5 Hải quân còn thăm, tặng quà cho những gia đình chính sách trên địa bàn huyện Năm Căn (Cà Mau).

Kiên Giang truy điệu, an táng 28 hài cốt liệt sĩ


28 hài cốt liệt sĩ là quân tình nguyện, chuyên gia Việt Nam hy sinh trong các thời kỳ chiến tranh tại Campuchia, kháng chiến chống Mỹ, chiến tranh bảo vệ Tổ quốc trên địa bàn Kiên Giang.

Sửa Luật Công đoàn phải phù hợp với thể chế chính trị

Bảo Hân - Hải Nguyễn |

Chiều 8.10, Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam tổ chức tham vấn ý kiến các đồng chí nguyên lãnh đạo Tổng Liên đoàn về dự thảo Luật Công đoàn (sửa đổi).

Đổ tại bệnh tiểu đường khi vi phạm nồng độ cồn mức "khủng"

Tô Thế |

Vi phạm nồng độ cồn ở mức rất cao, tuy nhiên, người đàn ông ở Hà Nội cho rằng mình chỉ uống 2 chén rượu, do bị bệnh tiểu đường nên nồng độ cồn lên cao.

Lật xe khách ở Nghệ An, 2 người phụ nữ tử vong


Nghệ An - Đang lưu thông trên Quốc lộ 7C, xe khách mất lái lao xuống ruộng làm 2 người tử vong.

Ông Nguyễn Văn Kiên giữ chức Chủ tịch UBND TP Hải Dương

Mai Dung |

Hải Dương - Ngày 8.10, TP Hải Dương tổ chức hội nghị công bố quyết định của Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy về công tác nhân sự.

Sinh viên "tố" phải ăn cơm thừa canh cặn, ĐH Bách khoa Hà Nội nói gì?

Tường Vân |

Phó Giám đốc Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội khẳng định, việc cho sinh viên ăn canh thừa là không thể chấp nhận và kiên quyết sẽ xử lí, khắc phục tình trạng trên.

In the dry season of 2023 - 2024, Kien Giang gathered 29 martyrs' remains


Based on archival documents provided by the armed forces and the people, the K92 Team obtained information, thereby searching and gathering 29 sets of martyrs' remains .

Region 5 of the Navy has many activities to pay tribute to War Invalids and Martyrs' Day


In addition to handing over the House of Gratitude, Region 5 of the Navy also visited and gave gifts to policy families in Nam Can district (Ca Mau).

Kien Giang mourns and buries the remains of 28 martyrs


The 28 remains of martyrs are Vietnamese volunteers and experts who died during the war in Cambodia, the resistance war against the US, and the war to protect the Fatherland in Kien Giang.