Exclusive dealers at transformation platforms


To be burned in some incense burners, people are required to buy small enough to be supplied by exclusive suppliers without being imported from outside.

Court's words: Recently, some fire service providers have been reported by people about having to buy ashes and mobile phones sold exclusively in transformation stations, without allowing families to bring mobile phones from outside.

This has caused outrage in the community, especially after a similar incident that occurred in Nam Dinh that was reported by local people.

The group of reporters from Lao Dong Newspaper has recorded the reality at a number of disguised stations to clarify this phenomenon.

People are upset because they have to use exclusive services

During the recording process, many families with deceased relatives expressed their frustration about having to use exclusive services at the disguised stations.

Mr. Luu Ngoc Tuan ( Ung Hoa, Hanoi) shared that his family had just spent more than 4.5 million VND to buy a small change with many frustrations.

"Currently, the cheapest type of pickles is only supplied by exclusive suppliers, so the price is quite high, the cheapest type is also 4.5 million VND. I also have to choose a set for my relatives, some set cost up to tens of millions of VND. Because the transformation stations do not allow to bring trivial tricks from the outside, I was forced to choose. If left unused, the crematorium would put the bones in a fragile urine set, which would be a pity for the family. Due to limited economic conditions, my family only dared to choose the cheapest sets of pickles," said Mr. Tuan.

Sharing with reporters, many families admitted that they wanted to bring pills from outside to the disguise to reduce costs. However, the vast majority of crematorium units absolutely prohibit this. monopoly in providing small-scale crematoriums is becoming a trend, making people feel forced to use the service at crematoriums.

Mr. Vu Van Hao (residing in Ba Vi, Hanoi) - a recent deceased relative, who has shared this experience, said: "If I had bought it, I would have had to abandon the set I bought outside. When the family is in grief and argue, it only affects the time of the celebration, which is not good for the deceased and the family."

Prohibiting the import of pills from outside is a long-standing regulation of Vinh Hang TV station

On forums, when mentioning the issue of monopoly on small-scale business, prohibiting people from bringing small-scale from outside into the crematorium, Vinh Hang Incarnation Temple (Ba Vi, Hanoi) is one of the addresses that many people who have used this service mentioned.

To clarify the story, the reporter was present at Vinh Hang Cremation Temple - introducing himself as a person who wanted to register for fire service. Right from the entrance, we were given instructions by security guards.

"I took a bus more than 1km ago and registered for a fire service. Here, everything is only prohibited, which is to bring urine from outside. This regulation has been mandatory for many years," introduced a security guard of Vinh Hang Crematorium.

Present at the funeral service registration area at Vinh Hang Cradle, we were welcomed by 2 female employees of the facility. After instructing on the cremation procedures, this person noted that the villageola containing the bones of the deceased must be bought by his family here.

"According to regulations for many years, outdoor pick-ups will not be used in this transformation station, we will provide pick-ups to customers. After completing the procedures, invite the couple to the next room to choose to buy small change.

The cheapest popular goods are 4,850,000 VND, made from porcelain. Higher, some ministries are about 10 million VND. I only buy the set I choose, but this item does not have a discount, everything is clearly regulated," said a consultant of Vinh Hang Cultural Center.

Nhan vien cua Dai hoa than Vinh Hang dang quang cao cho PV nhung mau tieu quach tai day, san pham thap nhat co gia gan 5 trieu dong. Anh: PV
Employees of Vinh Hang Bamboo Thyroid Museum are advertising to PV the super-sized models here, the lowest product is priced at nearly 5 million VND. Photo: PV

The fact that people are not allowed to bring pills from outside was also affirmed by Mr. Cuong - who introduced them as a representative of this unit.

"It is mandatory according to regulations to buy the above small-scale products, in any case, they cannot be imported from outside according to the regulations clearly stated here," said Mr. Cuong.

Ong Cuong - gioi thieu la dai dien Dai hoa than Vinh Hang (Ba Vi) - khang dinh, don vi nay da quy dinh khong duoc mang tieu quach ngoai vao su dung tu lau. Anh: Nhom PV
Mr. Cuong - introduced as a representative of Vinh Hang Bodies Agency (Ba Vi) - affirmed that this unit has stipulated that it cannot bring external urine to use for a long time. Photo: PV Group

According to records, at most crematoriums, the regulation not to bring urine from the outside has existed for a long time. With no other choice, many people expressed dissatisfaction at having to buy small-scale businesses sold exclusively at fire stations, causing many families to have more difficulties when they have lost loved ones and have to find ways to make ends meet to have money to perform funeral services.

According to a survey by Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, at many large small-scale businesses in Hanoi, the prices of quality-assured small-scale sets used in cremation are priced from 2 million VND/set (including 1 small-scale and 1 small-scale). This price is less than half of the price currently offered by exclusive businesses in the platforms.

"All of my products are sold according to the standards for burning ashes, the price is only half of the units burning, of course because it is exclusive business, the price is up to them. If we sell like that, why not have customers", Quan - owner of a small-scale brand in Bat Trang, Hanoi shared.

Bang gia cac loai tieu quach tai Ha Noi cung cap cho PV: Anh: Nhom PV.
Price list of types of supermarkets in Bat Trang pottery village provided to PV: Photo: PV Group.

* The character's name has been changed


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Dừng chủ trương đầu tư nghĩa trang vĩnh hằng sau khi bị dân phản đối


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