At around 5:30 a.m. on December 5, drivers traveling on the La Son - Tuy Loan highway, when reaching Km64+83.90 (in Hoa Lien commune, Hoa Vang district), discovered smoke rising from the area under the bridge and reported it to the authorities.
At the scene, truck 89H - 018.52 was lying under the bridge of the highway, fire was coming from the cabin of the truck. At this time, the driver had escaped, injured.
Authorities took the driver to the emergency room and used a fire extinguisher to put out the truck fire.
The accident caused the truck cabin to burn and deform. A section of the highway's steel fence was damaged by the truck. It is known that the vehicle was traveling in a south-north direction when the accident occurred.
The cause of the accident is still under investigation.