Essential accessories to have on a car during hot summer days

Thanh Vũ |

Below are the accessories that should be equipped on automobile during the hot summer days.

Thermal Film

Thermal Film is an essential and indispensable accessory for automobiles, particularly during hot and sweltering summer days. This type of film is dark in color, often applied to the glass surfaces of vehicles to minimize the amount of sunlight entering the interior of the vehicle.

Thermal film not only helps to reduce the temperature inside the vehicle, making the interior space cooler, but also plays a crucial role in protecting occupants from the harmful effects of UV rays.

UV rays not only harm health, particularly the skin, but can also cause damage to the vehicle's interior over time. Furthermore, applying thermal film also helps to enhance privacy, preventing outsiders from looking into the vehicle. This is a significant energy-saving measure that reduces the load on the air conditioning system.

Window Sunshade

Window sunshades are currently only available on high-end vehicle models, but they are increasingly popular due to their exceptional features. When driving under direct sunlight, the sunshade plays a crucial role in limiting direct sunlight from entering the driver's eyes, thereby preventing eye strain and minimizing the risk of distraction while driving.

At the same time, the sunshade also helps to maintain a cooler interior space, creating a sense of comfort for passengers. In addition, the sunshade has a shielding effect, providing a sense of seclusion and privacy when needed, a feature highly valued by users.

Car Sunshade

A car sunshade is an optimal solution to combat heat for vehicles, particularly during hot summer days. With its design covering the entire vehicle, the sunshade prevents direct sunlight and UV rays from hitting the vehicle's surface, thereby protecting both the interior and exterior of the vehicle from the effects of high temperatures.

The silver reflective coating of the sunshade combined with the gap between the sunshade and the vehicle's roof can reduce heat transmission into the vehicle by up to 30%, maintaining a cool interior space. This not only protects the health of occupants but also helps to conserve energy by reducing the need for air conditioning.

Thanh Vũ

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