The commune chairman does not have the authority to deduct points from the driver's license

Thế Kỷ |

As proposed in the draft Decree on restoration and deduction of driving license points (GPLX), the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee does not have the authority to deduct points.

According to the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety, effective from January 1, 2025, each driving license has 12 points, used to manage the observance of laws on road traffic order and safety by drivers on the system. License management database system.

Currently, the Ministry of Public Security is drafting a Decree regulating penalties for administrative violations of traffic order and safety in the field of road traffic; Point deduction, license point recovery.

In particular, in Article 41 of the draft Decree on the authority to sanction and deduct points from the driving license of Chairman of the People's Committee at all levels, the Ministry of Public Security proposed that the Chairman of the Commune-level People's Committee has the following rights: warning; Fine up to 5,000,000 VND for violations of traffic order and safety in the field of road traffic; Confiscation of exhibits and means used to commit administrative violations with a value not exceeding 10,000,000 VND.

According to the proposal of the Ministry of Public Security, the Chairman of the District People's Committee and Provincial People's Committee has the authority to deduct driving license points and issue decisions on penalties, confiscation of evidence, means of violation and other contents clearly specified in Clause 1 of this Article. 2, Clause 3, Article 41 of the draft Decree.

In Clause 2, Article 48 of the draft Decree, the deduction of driving license points for violators will be automatically updated in the database system immediately after the penalty decision takes effect for management.

Individuals who commit multiple administrative violations at the same time or commit multiple administrative violations and are sanctioned at the same time. If there are 2 or more violations that result in a deduction of driving license points, only one point will be deducted. times with the number of points deducted is the number of points for the behavior with the most points deducted.

In case in one point deduction the number of points deducted is more than the remaining points on the driving license, only the remaining points on the driving license will be deducted.

Notification of point deduction is done in paper form or electronically if the infrastructure, technical and information conditions are met and the point deduction status is updated on the database and documents. electronic identification clause according to regulations.

Currently, the Government Electronic Information Portal has posted the full text of the Draft Decree and requested domestic and foreign agencies, organizations and individuals to study and provide comments.

Thế Kỷ

Đề xuất trừ hết điểm trong giấy phép lái xe với 28 hành vi

Thế Kỷ |

Trong 189 hành vi, nhóm hành vi bị trừ điểm giấy phép lái xe, có 28 hành vi, nhóm hành vi được đề xuất bị trừ 12 điểm.

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Đề xuất lái xe vi phạm giao thông, vừa phạt, vừa trừ điểm giấy phép lái xe


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Proposal to deduct all points from driver's license for 28 behaviors

Thế Kỷ |

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Đề xuất lái xe vi phạm giao thông, vừa phạt, vừa trừ điểm giấy phép lái xe


Đại biểu Quốc hội Tô Văn Tám đề nghị quy định theo hướng, người có hành vi vi phạm pháp luật trật tự giao thông đường bộ vừa phải chịu xử phạt hành chính vừa phải bị trừ điểm giấy phép lái xe.