Daily work helps control blood sugar


Getting to bed before 11pm helps control blood sugar and maintain overall health.


3 protein-rich foods that do not increase blood sugar


Beans, unsweetened Greek yogurt, pasta contain carbohydrates rich in protein and fiber, need a long digestive time, and have little impact on blood sugar.

Effectively lower blood sugar thanks to familiar vegetables


To effectively lower blood sugar, you can add mustard greens to your daily diet.

Fruits that quickly increase blood sugar


Fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, but some types contain high natural sugar, if eaten improperly, it can easily increase blood sugar.

2025 storm forecast from the unit accurately forecasting super typhoons 2024


The latest storm forecast for the 2025 hurricane season has been released by WeatherBell Analytics. This is the unit that has issued an accurate forecast of the 2024 severe storm season with many super typhoons.

Announcing the Inspection Decision to the Central Public Security Party Committee


On the morning of February 25, Inspection Team No. 1917 of the Politburo and the Secretariat held a conference to announce the inspection decision for 2025 for the Central Public Security Party Committee.

Doctors' Journey to Revive Patients


Severe cases and work pressure have never eased the enthusiasm of doctors at Da Nang Hospital.

The 5 city trade unions need to focus on developing union members


Can Tho - Mr. Nguyen Dinh Khang - Member of the Party Central Committee, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor suggested that the 5-city Labor Confederations need to focus on developing union members in 2025.

The State Bank has a new Deputy Governor


Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Canh - Vice Chairman of the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises - was appointed Deputy Governor of the State Bank from March 1, 2025.

3 protein-rich foods that do not increase blood sugar

Linh Đan - Hà Lê (Theo Eating Well) |

Beans, unsweetened Greek yogurt, pasta contain carbohydrates rich in protein and fiber, need a long digestive time, and have little impact on blood sugar.

Effectively lower blood sugar thanks to familiar vegetables

Trà My (Tổng hợp từ Healthline & NIH) |

To effectively lower blood sugar, you can add mustard greens to your daily diet.

Fruits that quickly increase blood sugar

Linh Đan - Hà Lê (Theo Eating Well) |

Fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber, but some types contain high natural sugar, if eaten improperly, it can easily increase blood sugar.