Renovating and rebuilding degraded apartment buildings after storm No. 3

Phan Anh |

The Ministry of Construction recommends that provinces and cities implement the Housing Law 2023 and Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP of the Government on renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings.

The Ministry of Construction said that recently, many provinces and cities in the North of our country have been greatly affected by super typhoon Yagi (typhoon No. 3). According to records from some provinces and cities, many old apartment buildings that were being renovated and rebuilt have cracked and tilted, making them unsafe for continued use due to the impact of the storm. Some localities had to evacuate people from the apartment buildings to ensure safety.

According to statistics, the whole country has about 2,500 old apartment buildings built before 1994, mainly concentrated in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, of which many apartment buildings according to inspection results are in need of renovation and reconstruction.

Cac chung cu cu A7, A8 phuong Van My, quan Ngo Quyen (Hai Phong) da duoc kiem dinh danh gia cap do D, thuoc truong hop cong trinh nguy hiem, co the sap do bat cu luc nao. Sau khi con bao so 3 do bo vao Hai Phong, cac chung cu neu tren bi anh huong nghiem trong, co dau hieu lun, nghieng, cang khong dam bao dieu kien khai thac su dung.  Anh: Mai Dung

After storm No. 3 made landfall in Hai Phong, the old apartment buildings A7 and A8 in Van My ward, Ngo Quyen district were severely affected, showing signs of subsidence and tilt, and even more so, not ensuring conditions for exploitation and use. Photo: Mai Dung

On November 27, 2023, the National Assembly passed Housing Law No. 27/2023/QH15 (effective from August 1, 2024), which stipulates many new and specific policies and mechanisms related to the renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings.

On July 25, 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the Housing Law on renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings.

To ensure the safety of life and property of people living in old apartment buildings before the 2024 storm season; at the same time, promote projects to renovate and rebuild apartment buildings in the area, the Ministry of Construction requests the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to urgently carry out the assigned tasks prescribed in the Housing Law 2023, Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP dated July 25, 2024 of the Government:

Immediately implement solutions to relocate people from old, dangerous, degraded apartment buildings that must be demolished according to regulations, and arrange temporary accommodation for households that must be relocated to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

The Ministry of Construction also requested the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to urgently organize the inspection and assessment of the quality of old apartment buildings in the area; for apartment buildings that have completed inspection and assessment of quality but are subject to renovation and reconstruction but have not been included in the renovation and reconstruction plan of apartment buildings, a plan for renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings must be established according to the provisions of the Housing Law 2023, Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP as a basis for project implementation.

Urgently organize the establishment and approval of a 1/500 scale plan for areas with apartment buildings that need to be renovated and rebuilt so that investors have a basis to participate in developing investment plans, compensation, support and resettlement plans when registering to be project investors.

Urgently develop and approve plans to renovate and rebuild apartment buildings that must be demolished for renovation and reconstruction with contents according to the provisions of the 2023 Housing Law and Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP; at the same time, determine the coefficient K for compensation of apartment area applicable to each area and location with apartment buildings built before 1994 that need to be renovated and rebuilt to serve as a basis for owners and project investors to agree on the area to be compensated according to coefficient k to include in the compensation and resettlement plan.

Organize the selection of investors to accelerate the implementation of renovation and reconstruction projects of apartment buildings according to the provisions of the 2023 Housing Law and Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP.

Organize training and widely disseminate to all levels, sectors and people living in areas with old apartment buildings that need to be renovated and rebuilt to create consensus and widespread participation of the people, as a basis for quickly and conveniently implementing mechanisms and policies on renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings according to the provisions of the Housing Law 2023, Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP.

For Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, there are many old apartment buildings that need to be renovated and rebuilt, especially apartment building renovation and reconstruction projects that were implemented before the 2023 Housing Law took effect but have not yet completed the procedures in the project preparation stage such as approving compensation, support, resettlement plans; land allocation, land lease, construction permit issuance, etc. It is recommended that based on the provisions of the 2023 Housing Law and Decree No. 98/2024/ND-CP, procedures be urgently completed for investors to promptly deploy project construction, arrange resettlement for people, and ensure the rights of apartment building owners and project investors.

Phan Anh

Loạn giá rao bán chung cư, người mua khó tìm giá trị thực


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