Workers wonder about the price of social housing in Hai Phong

Hoàng Khôi |

A part of workers in Hai Phong said that the price of social housing is still relatively high compared to the ability of workers.

Concerned about social housing prices

According to information from the Department of Construction of Hai Phong City, the city currently has 3 social housing projects eligible for sale, prices ranging from more than 14 million VND/m2 to nearly 19 million VND/m2. Some social housing projects that are undergoing valuation request procedures also have an expected selling price of up to 19,500,000 VND/m2.

The price of this social housing for workers in Hai Phong city is relatively high. According to the representative of the Labor Confederation of Thuy Nguyen district, through understanding the thoughts, a large number of workers, especially workers from other provinces, want to buy social housing in Hai Phong. However, the average income of workers in Thuy Nguyen (excluding workers in industrial parks in the area) is more than 7 million VND/person/month, while the price of social housing in the area is low. up to more than 14 million VND/m2. "Workers shared that with a salary of more than 7 million VND/month, they have to pay for housing, electricity, water, school fees for their children... it is difficult to save money, and wish to have social housing at a lower price" - one Thuy Nguyen district trade union official said.

According to surveys by the Trade Union of Hai Phong Economic Zone, most of the surveyed workers with salaries from 5 to less than 10 million VND/month have a need to buy or rent social housing. But with the newly announced price of social housing, many workers are worried.

According to Ms. Vu Quynh Anh (32 years old, worker in Japanese Industrial Park - Hai Phong): Compared to commercial housing, the price of social housing in Hai Phong is not much lower, in some areas the price of social housing is even higher. Although we have been looking forward to buying social housing for a long time, at this price it will take another 10 years for my husband and I to be able to own an apartment as desired (from 40 - 60 m2).

Information on support policies to employees

According to information from Hai Phong City Labor Confederation , currently, the average income of workers in Hai Phong is 8,270,000 VND/person/month. Most workers in need of social housing are interested in purchasing in installments and preferential interest rates on installment loans. At the same time, we want to have welfare projects near social housing construction areas such as schools, hospitals, and green parks.

Previously, at the last meeting of the City People's Committee in July 2024, the implementation of social housing projects in the city encountered difficulties in accessing preferential loans from the 120 trillion VND support credit package. Lending interest rates of commercial banks are relatively high, and the preferential interest period is short. Support capital through the Bank for Social Policies for the period 2024-2025 has not been allocated budget capital to carry out loans under the Social Housing Loan Program. In some projects, people have to pay additional costs when buying or renting social housing...

To ensure that people can access and buy social housing at the right price, without having to pay any other costs, the Department of Construction requests the Economic Zone Management Board and the City Labor Union to inform businesses. , workers in industrial parks information about social housing projects, legal regulations on subjects, conditions and order, procedures for buying, renting, and social housing.

Hoàng Khôi

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