Lam Dong regulates construction on agricultural land


Lam Dong - People can build production facilities on agricultural land without having to change the land use purpose.

On September 28, information from the Office of Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee said that Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Hong Thai has just signed a decision to regulate the land area used to build works directly serving agricultural production in the area.

Accordingly, the condition for applying this regulation is that the land plot has been granted a land use right certificate and is still within the land use term.

The decision also states that the agricultural land area of ​​the land in use is from 500m² or more, including one plot of land or many adjacent plots of land of the same land user, then construction is allowed.

In particular, the decision clearly states that cases of construction on agricultural land do not have to change land use purposes according to the provisions of Article 121 of the 2024 Land Law.

Thus, land users who need to build works directly serving agricultural production must send a written notice to the People's Committee of the commune where the land is located.

The People's Committee at the commune level is responsible for inspecting, supervising, and recording the construction of works on land in accordance with regulations.

For land from 500m² to 5,000m², no more than 25m² of land can be used to build works directly serving agricultural production.

Land area from 5,000m² to 10,000m² can use land area for construction of no more than 50m². Land area from 10,000m² or more can use land area for construction of no more than 75m².

Works directly serving agricultural production are built in many locations on the land, but the total area does not exceed the above regulations.


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Thạch Lam |

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Thạch Lam |

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