Confused by Hanoi's constantly rising rental prices

Thu Giang |

The simultaneous increase in rental tax prices in Hanoi is putting great pressure on many renters.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Nguyen Thao Anh (student of Academy of Journalism and Propaganda) shared that in the process of looking for a place to rent, she saw that the prices of the places to rent in Hanoi were different at different times, causing many students like her to have difficulties.

Thao Anh confided that last week, she went to see a 20m2 rental room in Yen Hoa ward (Cau Giay district), the owner is renting it for 4 million VND/month, while the advertised price is 3.5 million VND/month.

"The price of renting a room is jumping, causing a lot of pressure for people like me who need to rent. Even when seeing the demand of tenants increase, many landlords have adjusted the price every time, increasing the rent unreasonably" - Thao Anh confided.

Similarly, Ms. Le Thi Nguyet (born in 1975, Ha Nam) said that when she received the news that her daughter was admitted to the Foreign Trade University, the whole family was very happy. To ensure the best conditions for her daughter to study, Ms. Nguyet spent a lot of time looking for a place to stay near the school for her daughter.

According to Ms. Nguyet, cheap and affordable boarding houses are too far away, do not ensure security, and do not have fire prevention. Boarding houses near schools that meet the criteria cost at least 3.5 million VND/room, and the rent keeps fluctuating, so she had to advise her children to save money and find roommates.

Many boarding houses in Hanoi are cramped, and rents are constantly fluctuating. Photo: Thu Giang

According to Lao Dong Newspaper, in areas near Hanoi University, University of Transport, University of Foreign Trade, University of Diplomacy, University of Commerce, room shortage or rent increase is quite common.

Notably, small boarding houses with an area of ​​12-15m2 and a price of 2-2.5 million VND/month are almost gone. If there are vacant rooms, the price increases by at least 500,000 VND/room/month. Boarding houses with an area of ​​30m2 or more, equipped with good fire prevention equipment, are priced higher than normal.

Accordingly, in Trung Kinh street area (Cau Giay district), according to observation, at a 5-storey boarding house, a room of about 15-25m2 costs 2.8-3.5 million VND/month (an increase of 300,000-500,000 VND/month compared to before). A larger room, 35-40m2, is priced at 6-6.5 million VND/month.

Similarly, in lane 331 Cau Giay, many rental rooms have skyrocketed in price to 4.5-5 million VND/month for a 28-30m2 room.

Statistics from the website recently show that boarding houses are the only segment growing in the rental real estate market from the beginning of 2024 until now.

Compared to the end of 2023, the level of interest in this segment increased by 12-15% per month. Notably, the demand for renting accommodation in Hanoi on this website increased by about 29% in the past few months.

Mr. Dinh Minh Tuan - Director of - commented that the demand for housing rental of workers in big cities always remains high.

Mr. Tuan analyzed that after many fire incidents in boarding houses and mini apartments causing serious consequences, tightening fire safety is necessary. Therefore, landlords in Hanoi have invested in additional fire prevention equipment, ensuring business standards and adding this cost to the rental price to compensate, causing the price of boarding rooms to tend to increase.

Thu Giang

Loạt nhà trọ tăng giá theo cơn sốt bất động sản


Thời gian gần đây, nhiều dãy nhà trọ tại TP Cần Thơ rục rịch tăng giá từ 100.000 - 200.000 đồng/tháng theo cơn sốt bất động sản.

Sinh viên "đỏ mắt" tìm kiếm nhà trọ Hà Nội dưới 3 triệu đồng

Thu Giang - Nguyễn Thoa |

Giá nhà trọ tại Hà Nội thời gian qua không ngừng tăng cao khiến nhiều sinh viên gặp áp lực lớn.

Sinh viên méo mặt vì tìm cả tuần không được nhà trọ

Phương Anh |

Đầu năm học mới, giá thuê nhà trọ tại Hà Nội tăng cao. Sinh viên mới nhập học và những người có nhu cầu khó tìm được nhà trọ có giá "mềm" thời điểm này.

Sửa Luật Công đoàn phải phù hợp với thể chế chính trị

Bảo Hân - Hải Nguyễn |

Chiều 8.10, Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam tổ chức tham vấn ý kiến các đồng chí nguyên lãnh đạo Tổng Liên đoàn về dự thảo Luật Công đoàn (sửa đổi).

Lật xe khách ở Nghệ An, 2 người phụ nữ tử vong


Nghệ An - Đang lưu thông trên Quốc lộ 7C, xe khách mất lái lao xuống ruộng làm 2 người tử vong.

Sinh viên "tố" phải ăn cơm thừa canh cặn, ĐH Bách khoa Hà Nội nói gì?

Tường Vân |

Phó Giám đốc Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội khẳng định, việc cho sinh viên ăn canh thừa là không thể chấp nhận và kiên quyết sẽ xử lí, khắc phục tình trạng trên.

Bò thả rông, rượt nhau giữa đường phố ở Đà Nẵng

Trần Thi |

Dù đã được kiến nghị nhiều năm nay nhưng tình trạng bò thả rông tại một số tuyến đường ở TP Đà Nẵng vẫn xảy ra, gây nguy hiểm cho người tham gia giao thông.

Em họ Trương Mỹ Lan giúp chị gái chiếm đoạt hơn 26.000 tỉ

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Trong phần tranh luận tại phiên tòa ngày 8.10, em họ Trương Mỹ Lan - Trương Vincent Kinh hối hận khi giúp sức chị gái chiếm đoạt hơn 26.000 tỉ đồng.

A series of boarding houses increased in price following the real estate fever


Recently, many boarding houses in Can Tho City have been increasing their prices by 100,000 - 200,000 VND/month following the real estate fever.

"Red-eyed" students are looking for Hanoi accommodation under 3 million VND

Thu Giang - Nguyễn Thoa |

Accommodation prices in Hanoi have recently increased continuously, causing many students to face great pressure.

Students looked miserable because they couldn't find a place to stay for a whole week

Phương Anh |

At the beginning of the new school year, rental prices in Hanoi increased. Newly enrolled students and those in need have difficulty finding "affordable" accommodation at this time.