New regulations on land division in Thua Thien Hue


HUE - The People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province has just issued regulations on land division, effective from October 3, 2023.

On September 24, the Office of the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province announced that it had just issued a decision on land division and land consolidation for residential and agricultural land in the whole province. This decision takes effect from October 3, 2024.

Accordingly, for residential land, the land plot formed from the division and the remaining land plot must ensure the following specific conditions:

The minimum area of ​​a land plot after subdivision in wards of Hue City is 60 square meters. In district towns and wards of towns, it is 80 square meters. In plain communes, it is 100 square meters. In midland and mountainous communes, it is 120 square meters.

The frontage dimension of the land plot is greater than or equal to 4 meters for streets with a red line width of less than 19 meters. The frontage dimension of the land plot is greater than or equal to 5 meters for streets with a red line width of greater than or equal to 19 meters. The depth dimension of the land plot is greater than or equal to 5 meters.

In case a land lot is divided into 2 plots, of which 1 plot has a frontage from 2.5 meters to less than 4 meters but the separated internal area ensures the minimum area as stated above, the plot separation is still allowed.

The area from the frontage edge extending into the land plot must be used as a walkway and the land user is not allowed to build a house on this area.

For agricultural land, the separation of the newly formed land plot from the separation and the remaining land plot must ensure the following minimum area:

For annual crop land (except rice land), aquaculture land, concentrated livestock land in Hue city must be at least 200 square meters. District towns and wards of towns are 300 square meters. Plain communes are 400 square meters. Midland and mountainous communes are 500 square meters.

Land for perennial crops and other agricultural land in communes and wards of Hue City must be at least 400 square meters. District towns and wards of towns must be 600 square meters. Plain communes must be 800 square meters. Midland and mountainous communes must be 1,000 square meters. Forestry land must be at least 5,000 square meters.

In case of land subdivision with the formation of a common path, the subdivision shall be carried out after the subdivision drawing is approved by the District People's Committee. For land plots that are separated from land plots that have been approved by competent authorities to form a common path, the subdivision shall only be allowed when the District People's Committee agrees to adjust the subdivision drawing.


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