Consider reclaiming 4 hectares of company land that has not yet built worker housing


Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Hoa An Ward, Bien Hoa City) was leased 124,608.7 square meters of land by the People's Committee of Dong Nai Province, but for more than 9 years it has not built workers' housing.

Have land but more than 9 years have not built workers' housing

On October 21, speaking with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, a representative of the Inspectorate of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province said that after conclusion No. 09/KL-TT on compliance with the law on land, water resources and environmental protection at Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Hoa An ward, Bien Hoa city), the specialized department of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province inspected and made a record of handling.

At the same time, if the company does not have the need to implement the housing project for workers and technical infrastructure (about 4 hectares), it will prepare procedures to request the People's Committee of Dong Nai province to consider land recovery according to regulations.

Cong nhan Cong ty TNHH Pou Chen Viet Nam o phuong Hoa An, TP Bien Hoa, Dong Nai. Anh tu lieu: HAC
Workers of Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Hoa An ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai. Photo: M.C

According to Conclusion No. 09/KL-TT dated December 26, 2023 of the Inspectorate of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province, Hung Nghiep Joint Stock Company Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. (now Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd.) was approved by the Prime Minister to lease 163,380m2 of land in Hoa An commune (now Hoa An ward, Bien Hoa city) to build a sports shoe factory in 1995.

On September 30, 2004, Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee signed Decision No. 4633/QD.UBT approving the company to lease 124,608.7m2 to invest in expanding production, production service area and workers' housing.

On March 10, 2005, Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee signed Decision No. 1012/QD-UBND approving the detailed planning at a scale of 1/500 for the production expansion area, production service area and workers' housing area in Hoa An commune, Bien Hoa city.

On February 4, 2012, Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee signed Decision No. 366/QD-UBND, approving the partial adjustment of the detailed construction plan that the Provincial People's Committee had approved in Decision No. 1012/QD-UBND; in which the People's Committee approved the content of the project implementation progress (public service works - kindergarten; workers' housing) to complete the construction of "workers' housing, kindergarten works, other works and complete the technical infrastructure system of the entire project" in the period of the second quarter of 2012 - 2014.

Cong trinh nha tre tai Cong ty TNHH Pou Chen Viet Nam o phuong Hoa An, TP Bien Hoa. Anh tu lieu: M.C
Kindergarten project at Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Hoa An ward, Bien Hoa city. Photo: M.C

Up to now, the kindergarten project has been completed and put into use. As for the housing project for workers, by the time the inspection team worked (more than 9 years), the Company had not yet implemented the investment and construction of this project item.

Proposing Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee to consider land recovery

In the working minutes dated July 7, 2023 (confirmed by the inspection team, the company and the People's Committee of Hoa An ward), it was confirmed that the delay in implementing this item of the project violated land use as prescribed in Point i, Clause 1, Article 64, Land Law 2013 (the area of ​​the project being delayed is about 4 hectares, including housing projects and technical infrastructure items in the vicinity).

According to the company's explanation in Official Dispatch No. 13072023-BCGT dated July 13, 2023, the Company has not implemented this item of the project because the Company itself determined that the housing needs of workers are not much because workers rent houses outside (the Company supports living expenses for workers); the Company will prepare procedures to request the People's Committee of Dong Nai province to approve the Company to expand production and business on this land.

Cong ty TNHH Pou Chen Viet Nam o phuong Hoa An, TP Bien Hoa. Anh tu lieu: M.C
Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Hoa An ward, Bien Hoa city. Photo: M.C

From the above violations, the Inspector of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province requested Pou Chen Vietnam Co., Ltd. to quickly deploy investment in the project "workers' housing and other works, completing the project's technical infrastructure system" within the prescribed time (if the project implementation time is extended).

At the same time, it is recommended that the leaders of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province assign the Planning Department to review and consider handling the land area of ​​about 4 hectares where the company has not yet implemented the housing project for workers and adjacent technical infrastructure due to violations of land use.

In case the company does not have the need to build housing for workers, it must prepare procedures to request the Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee to consider land recovery according to regulations.

According to a union representative, the company currently has about 14,500 employees.


Công nhân mong mỏi có nhà ở xã hội trong khu công nghiệp


Bình Thuận – Nhiều công nhân, lao động ở Bình Thuận bày tỏ nguyện vọng sớm có nhà ở xã hội cho công nhân ở các khu công nghiệp để an cư và thuận tiện đi làm.

Đồng Nai giao đất xây 1.000 căn nhà ở xã hội gần Quốc lộ 51


Đồng Nai giao Công ty Cổ phần Chương Dương Homeland hơn 1,4 ha đất xây 1.000 căn nhà ở xã hội, tổng mức đầu tư dự án 1.400 tỉ đồng.

Bắc Ninh sẽ có thêm dự án nhà ở công nhân 7.268 người

Trần Tuấn |

Dự án Khu nhà ở xã hội dành cho công nhân phường Vân Dương, thành phố Bắc Ninh có quy mô khoảng 17,34ha, dân số 7.268 người.

Bao giờ thực hiện dự án điện hạt nhân tại Việt Nam

Cường Ngô |

Theo Thứ trưởng Nguyễn Sinh Nhật Tân, việc khôi phục đầu tư, phát triển điện hạt nhân nhằm đảm bảo an ninh năng lượng, và phải tuyệt đối an toàn.

Vẫn tiếp diễn tình trạng cá chết bốc mùi nồng nặc ở Hồ Tây


Hà Nội - Tình trạng cá chết bốc mùi hôi thối ở Hồ Tây vẫn tiếp diễn, ảnh hưởng đến mỹ quan đô thị tại một trong những điểm du lịch lý tưởng của Thủ đô.

Bộ VHTTDL nói gì về phán quyết của tòa án vụ Hồ Hoài Anh, Hồng Đăng?


Bộ Văn hóa Thể thao và Du lịch (VHTTDL) chưa nhận được thông tin chính thức liên quan đến phán quyết của tòa án vụ nghệ sĩ Hồng Đăng và Hồ Hoài Anh ở Tây Ban Nha.

Lộn xộn giao thông tại Hạ Long do sự cố đèn tín hiệu

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Tại TP Hạ Long, nhiều hệ thống đèn tín hiệu giao thông không hoạt động, gây hỗn loạn tại các nút giao thông quan trọng, tiềm ẩn tai nạn giao thông.

Phóng viên thuộc nhóm đối tượng bị tấn công mạng nhiều nhất


Bên cạnh các chính trị gia, người nổi tiếng… đối tượng thường bị tấn công mạng là các phóng viên và cơ quan báo chí.

Workers long for social housing in industrial parks


Binh Thuan – Many workers and laborers in Binh Thuan expressed their wish to soon have social housing for workers in industrial parks to settle down and conveniently go to work.

Dong Nai allocates land to build 1,000 social housing units near National Highway 51


Dong Nai assigned Chuong Duong Homeland Joint Stock Company more than 1.4 hectares of land to build 1,000 social housing units, with a total project investment of VND 1,400 billion.

Bắc Ninh sẽ có thêm dự án nhà ở công nhân 7.268 người

Trần Tuấn |

Dự án Khu nhà ở xã hội dành cho công nhân phường Vân Dương, thành phố Bắc Ninh có quy mô khoảng 17,34ha, dân số 7.268 người.