From driver to creative union member


HUE - Mr. Tran Ngoc Vi - from a driver to a union member, received the Creative Labor Certificate from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in 2022.

Rising from Uncle Ho's Army

After 4 years of returning from the army, in 1993, Mr. Vi worked as a driver for the environmental sanitation team of Hue Urban Environment and Construction Company (now Hue Urban Environment and Construction Joint Stock Company).

Mr. Vi's professional qualification at that time was a bachelor's degree in Finance - Accounting, but he had a passion for machinery and mechanics. It was the working environment related to machine repair as a driver that helped Mr. Vi often encounter situations that required troubleshooting and repair when the unit's motorbikes or equipment were damaged during operation.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Vi (white shirt, standing in the middle) was commended by the Provincial Federation of Labor at the Conference to review 3 years of implementing Conclusion 01-KL/TW. 3. Mr. Tran Ngoc Vi (white shirt, standing in the middle of the 3rd row) was commended at the Forum "Improving National Labor Productivity" in May 2024.
Union member Tran Ngoc Vi (white shirt, standing in the middle) was commended by the Thua Thien Hue Provincial Federation of Labor at the Conference to review 3 years of implementing Conclusion 01-KL/TW and was commended at the Forum "Improving national labor productivity" in May 2024. Photo: Nha Phuong

With the nature of a soldier of Uncle Ho's Army, tempered by years of military service, not afraid of difficulties, afraid of hardships, determined to do it. Mr. Vi always struggles with "difficult cases" to come up with optimal solutions in the process of repairing the unit's vehicles.

In 1995, Mr. Vi took on the position of deputy motorcycle team leader of the unit. In 2013, he became Deputy Director of the Motorcycle Enterprise. From the end of 2013 to present, he has held the position of Director of the Mechanical - Construction Enterprise of Hue Urban Environment and Construction Joint Stock Company.

“When a machine breaks down, we work together to fix it, come up with a solution, and sometimes try several times, lasting several months, before we succeed. When we succeed at something, we sit down together and celebrate, simply and happily,” Mr. Vi happily recounted.

Initiative from understanding work practices

As a factory manager, having worked as a direct worker, Mr. Vi understands that increasing labor productivity, minimizing problems in the production process, maximizing working time, minimizing labor and production costs to increase the income of union members and workers is a top priority.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Vi (right) and his subordinates. Photo: Nha Phuong.
Mr. Tran Ngoc Vi (right) and his subordinates. Photo: Nha Phuong

To ensure fairness in responsibilities and benefits for workers, Mr. Vi also organizes the allocation of management and use of production tools and equipment to each worker.

In June 2022, Mr. Vi and his colleagues in the factory participated in the project "Research on saving production costs in the repair and maintenance of specialized motor vehicles and machinery serving the transportation work of the unit" which was recognized by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for its initiative and awarded the Creative Labor Certificate.

By 2023, Mr. Vi continued to direct the research, renovation and installation of 3 new winches for lifting garbage boats with a capacity of 10m3 for the 3-in-1 compactor. The results helped save and reduce material costs and benefit the company by more than 440 million VND. This initiative was submitted by the grassroots union to participate in the program "01 million initiatives - efforts to overcome difficulties, creativity, determination to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic" and received a certificate of merit from the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

As a party member, every year, Mr. Vi always completes his tasks excellently and receives many certificates of merit as well as the title of "Emulation Fighter" from the grassroots to the provincial and central levels.

Currently, as a factory leader, Mr. Vi no longer directly performs machine repair work, but he still maintains the mind of a practical manager "from the grassroots up" to understand the life, work, and psychology of his colleagues in the unit.


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Minh Nguyễn |

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