2 unique ways to preserve eggs

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Housewives can refer to two new but highly effective ways of preserving eggs , helping to keep eggs fresh for a long time.

Eggs are an important and indispensable source of nutrition in family meals. However, long-term egg preservation while still maintaining good quality needs to be done properly.

Accordingly, the two unique ways to preserve eggs below will help housewives easily apply them in keeping eggs fresh.

Freeze eggs

One of the most unique and effective ways to preserve eggs is to freeze them. This special method is often thoroughly applied by countries in cold regions such as Russia, Canada... to help eggs stay fresh for a long time.

To freeze eggs, first carefully separate the egg white and yolk from the shell. Use an ice tray or ice cream mold, each egg will take up about two slots in the ice tray.

For ice cream molds, you can pour the egg white and egg mixture into each box and put it in the freezer. When you need to prepare food, defrost the eggs and use them like normal fresh eggs.

Frozen eggs are very suitable for making fried eggs, French toast, fried rice... This method not only helps preserve eggs for a long time and is easy to use when needed.

Coat or soak in oil

Coating eggs with vegetable oil is a quite popular and highly effective way of preserving eggs . This method is quite popular in Italy and some European countries, helping to prevent egg damage if left for a long time.

Housewives can use about 100ml of oil for 4-6 eggs. Then use seed oil, olive oil or other cooking oils and heat it up.

Wear gloves and take a little oil and rub it evenly over the surface of the egg, making sure to evenly cover the entire surface of the eggshell. Put the eggs in the box, and be careful to put the pointed end down and store at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius for a long time. Turn the egg carton upside down once a month to keep the yolks fresh.

In addition to coating the outside of the eggshell with oil, housewives can also soak eggs in vegetable oil, olive oil or other cooking oil in a large jar with a tightly closed lid.

This method will help the eggs avoid exposure to air as much as possible. When you need to use it to prepare food, just take the eggs out and wash them thoroughly. However, when applying this method, eggs will not be suitable for making cakes.

Tuấn Đạt

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Có nên tránh ăn trứng khi bị sốt?


Trứng được cho là có tác dụng tạo nhiệt trong cơ thể, đây cũng là lý do tại sao nhiều người không ăn trứng khi bị sốt. Bà Maitry Gala, nhà trị liệu dinh dưỡng cấp cao tại Bệnh viện Fortis, Mulund (Ấn Độ) đã có những lý giải về vấn đề này.