Powerless to collect salary arrears at Dung Quat University of Economics and Technology


Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology in Quang Ngai owes salaries and social insurance to its employees. The Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs invited this unit to work but no one showed up.

According to the reflection of employees, from 2009 to 2016, Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology Company Limited (this unit has not established a trade union) has not paid salaries and completed procedures to close social insurance books for employees. As of July 31, 2024, the company still owes over 640 million VND in salaries for 20 employees and over 1 billion VND (including interest) in social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance contributions.

Faced with this situation, on May 7, 2024, a representative of the provincial Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs worked with the company on salary payment to employees. The company representative signed a second commitment, dividing the payment into three installments: Installment 1: 30% of salary payment no later than May 20, 2024; Installment 2: 30% of salary payment no later than June 30, 2024; and Installment 3: 40% of salary payment no later than July 30, 2024. However, to date, the company owner has only paid 30% of salary, of which two cases have not been paid.

Talking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporter, Ms. Do Thi Kim Ty, residing in Le Hong Phong ward, Quang Ngai city, expressed: "The reason the school owes salaries is because the school is involved in a project. Now the school has transferred the project to a new unit, but they do not pay salaries and insurance to the workers. Perhaps the new transferee does not understand, so they do not care about the issue of salary debt. For the benefit of all the staff who have worked and are owed salaries, we must demand it."

Mr. Nguyen Thai Long - Chief Inspector of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs said that the Quang Ngai Provincial Labor Federation has sent a document to the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs regarding this incident. However, it is very difficult to claim salary and social insurance at Dung Quat Economic and Technology College Company Limited. The reason is that the internal members of this unit share shares with each other, but the business is not effective, so they sue each other. They pay their salary and social insurance debts halfway and then run out of steam.

Mr. Nguyen Thai Long also confided that the salary and social insurance arrears have been outstanding for a long time. The new unit taking over Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology is not the employer but must be responsible for inheriting and paying the debt. The old owner has passed away. After receiving a petition from the school's staff and employees, the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs invited representatives of Dung Quat College of Economics and Technology Company Limited to work twice, but they did not come.


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