Vietnam Trade Union joins hands to share with people affected by floods

Nhóm PV |

On the afternoon of September 12, Party Central Committee member and President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang and his delegation visited and presented gifts to union members and workers affected by floods in Thai Nguyen province. The delegation included Mr. Nguyen Huy Dung - Chairman of the Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee, Ms. Vu Thi Giang Huong - Head of the Propaganda Department of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, and Mr. Pham Viet Dung - Chairman of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Confederation of Labor.

Meaningful and humane activities

In Quang Vinh ward, one of the most severely affected areas in Thai Nguyen province, Party Central Committee member and President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang and his delegation visited and supported Quang Vinh Kindergarten with VND100 million to buy teaching and learning equipment. The money was drawn from the fund mobilized and supported by union members and workers nationwide.

President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang also personally visited and presented gifts to two policy households affected by storm No. 3 in Thai Nguyen City. Each gift included 3 million VND in cash and 500,000 VND in kind.

Touched by the concern of the leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Mr. Le Duy Chanh (Group 5, Quang Vinh Ward) said that he was infected with more than 60% of Agent Orange. His family was short of people and faced many difficulties during the recent historic flood.

Choking up at the sharing and support of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Mr. Chanh said that the attention of the Vietnam Trade Union organization is very timely. The encouragement and support gifts will help people have more motivation to overcome difficulties to rise up in life.

Also moved when being visited by the delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Mr. Phan Nhat Dan (Group 5, Quang Vinh Ward) is nearly 80 years old this year, a war invalid. His health has declined, he cannot walk by himself. According to Mr. Dan, the sharing and support of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor is truly meaningful and humane. This source of encouragement will help everyone rise up and overcome the hardships ahead.

Mr. Pham Viet Dung - Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation said that the recent flood had a very serious impact on local workers and employees.

“After the storm and flood, the trade unions at all levels of Thai Nguyen province organized visits and encouraged workers in the flooded areas. The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor also promptly shared and cared for union members and workers in Thai Nguyen province. This is the motivation for union members and workers to soon stabilize their lives,” said Mr. Dung.

In this program, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor presented 1,000 gifts to union members and workers to the Fatherland Front of Thai Nguyen province, each gift worth 3 million VND. The total budget that the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor supported Thai Nguyen province was more than 3.1 billion VND.

Promote the spirit of mutual love and support

Currently, all levels of the Union have actively mobilized union members and workers not affected by natural disasters to donate and support.

* On September 12, Mr. Do Duc Hung - Chairman of Vietnam Electricity Trade Union - said that with the spirit of solidarity, mutual love, helping each other, sharing food and clothes, contributing with local authorities and people to quickly restore production and people's lives... The General Director of Vietnam Electricity Group and the Standing Committee of Vietnam Electricity Trade Union issued Joint Directive No. 579/CTLT-EVN-CDDLVN on September 11 to call on all union members, officials and employees in the Group to contribute at least 1 day's salary to the Fund to support people affected by natural disasters and floods. On the afternoon of September 11, at the Group's headquarters, the Group's Agency Trade Union organized a campaign for employees to support people affected by natural disasters and floods.

* Mr. Pham Hoai Phuong - Chairman of the Vietnam Transport Trade Union - said that with the spirit of solidarity, mutual love... The Standing Committee of the Vietnam Transport Trade Union has called on all levels of affiliated trade unions to propagate and mobilize agencies, units, enterprises and cadres, union members, workers and employees to actively support and assist people affected by storms and floods, overcome natural disasters, and stabilize their lives. According to the leader of the Vietnam Transport Trade Union, the time to receive support is from September 11 to October 31 (expected). Based on the amount of support received, the Vietnam Transport Trade Union will transfer 80% to the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and transfer 20% to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor so that the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor can transfer to the Vietnam Fatherland Front according to regulations.

* The Vietnam Construction Trade Union recently launched a campaign to support people affected by storms and floods. Right at the program, officials, civil servants, and employees of the Vietnam Construction Trade Union raised a total of 15 million VND for people affected by storms and floods.

* The Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Education Trade Union have just held a ceremony to launch the education sector to support people affected by storm No. 3. On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Education Trade Union, Minister Nguyen Kim Son called on the entire education sector, officials, civil servants, employees, students, and organizations and individuals inside and outside the sector to join hands, contribute materially and spiritually, with support, encouragement, and connections to share the difficulties with people in flood-hit areas in general and with the education sector of the provinces and cities in the Northern region in particular.

At the launching ceremony, leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training, units and individuals inside and outside the education sector donated a total of more than 6.6 billion VND. The donation will continue in the coming days through the receiving channel, the Vietnam Education Trade Union.

Speaking at the visit and gift-giving ceremony for union members and workers affected by floods in Thai Nguyen province, Party Central Committee member and President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang shared the difficulties and losses of lives and property in Thai Nguyen province in the recent storm and flood. “Immediately after the storm and flood, the trade unions at all levels were requested to promptly count the losses of union members and workers in order to promptly have support and sharing policies. Union members and workers whose property was damaged will be supported with a maximum of 3 million VND, injured people will be promptly supported with 5 million VND. Those who unfortunately died will be promptly supported with 10 million VND,” President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang emphasized.

Nhóm PV

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Nguyễn Hoàn |

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Nguyễn hoàn |

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Nguyễn Hoàn |

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Mai Dung |

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Anh Vũ (Bộ Quốc phòng Nga) |

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Flood damage in Thai Nguyen increased to more than 600 billion VND

Nguyễn Hoàn |

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Nguyễn hoàn |

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Thai Nguyen suffered nearly 200 billion VND in damage due to flooding after storm No. 3

Nguyễn Hoàn |

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