Binh Dinh National Assembly Delegation gives gifts to workers

Xuân Nhàn |

Binh Dinh - The National Assembly Delegation of Binh Dinh visited and presented gifts to 100 union members, workers and laborers in difficult circumstances at Nhon Hoi Economic Zone.

Each gift is worth 1.1 million VND including cash and gifts.

This is an activity of the Binh Dinh National Assembly Delegation before the 8th Session.

On the afternoon of October 16, reporting on the living conditions, employment and income of workers in the area, Chairman of the Binh Dinh Labor Federation Ha Duy Trung said: Workers' employment is showing a positive recovery trend. The connection between labor supply and demand is being strengthened. In the first 9 months of the year, the whole province had 861 newly registered enterprises (up 4.2% over the same period), 331 enterprises returned to the market, creating jobs for thousands of workers.

Chu tich LDLD Binh Dinh Ha Duy Trung bao cao tinh hinh lao dong, viec lam. Anh: Xuan Nhan.
Chairman of Binh Dinh Labor Federation Ha Duy Trung reports on labor and employment situation. Photo: Xuan Nhan.

The average income of employees in enterprises is 7-8 million VND/person/month. Labor relations are relatively stable. However, salary and social insurance (SI) debts still exist, causing a situation of prolonged complaints and petitions. As of September 30, 2024, 542 units were late in paying SI contributions with an amount of nearly 209 billion VND for 6,221 employees.

During the 9 months, trade unions at all levels conducted 171 inspections and supervisions. Binh Dinh Trade Union Legal Consulting Center provided legal support for 193 cases related to the implementation of policies and regimes, helping to recover more than 738 million VND for workers.

Nguoi lao dong neu kien nghi. Anh: Xuan Nhan.
Workers make recommendations. Photo: Xuan Nhan.

Regarding the care of workers' lives, trade unions at all levels have spent 50 billion VND to support 132,000 people in difficult circumstances, who have had work accidents, occupational diseases, had their working hours reduced or their labor contracts suspended; supported the construction and repair of 14 Trade Union Shelters with more than 600 million VND; cared for and improved shift meals, organized Trade Union Meals for 15,424 union members and workers; supported 94 million VND for 76 workers affected by the reduction of orders from businesses...

Speaking at the meeting, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Binh Dinh Le Kim Toan affirmed: In the process of building the legal system, the National Assembly always pays attention to perfecting regulations on social relations, including labor relations. At this session, among the 30 draft laws passed or commented on, there are projects directly related to trade union organizations and workers such as the Trade Union Law (amended), the Employment Law (amended), the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Health Insurance.

“The consistent viewpoint is to take people as the center and driving force for development. All for the prosperity of the country, for the happiness of the people, including union members, workers, civil servants, and laborers,” said Mr. Le Kim Toan.

Ong Le Kim Toan, Pho Chu tich UBND tinh Lam Hai Giang, Chu tich LDLD Binh Dinh Ha Duy Trung tang qua cho nguoi lao dong kho khan (tu tren xuong). Anh: Xuan Nhan.
Chairman of Binh Dinh Labor Federation Ha Duy Trung presents gifts to disadvantaged workers. Photo: Xuan Nhan.

On behalf of the National Assembly Delegation, Head of the Delegation Le Kim Toan answered some questions from workers about the regional minimum wage, regulations on unilateral termination of labor contracts, and the consequences that workers must bear when businesses delay or evade social insurance payments...

Xuân Nhàn

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Binh Dinh assigns additional tasks to 1 Vice Chairman of the province

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - On October 16, information from the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province said that it held a conference to announce the decision of the Chairman of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province on personnel work.

Binh Dinh plans to invest 540 billion VND to renovate National Highway 19C

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh proposes upgrading National Highway 19C section through the province to ensure traffic safety and trade through the route.

Consider paying benefits to school health workers in Binh Dinh

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - Regarding the settlement of benefits for school medical staff, the Chairman of Tay Son district said that he is waiting for reports from the schools to proceed with payment.