Reduce the burden on civil servants nationwide


Eliminating the civil servant promotion exam will save social costs, reduce administrative procedures, and relieve the burden of exams from civil servants. Many opinions say that this should be implemented more strongly and decisively.

Change the method of promoting civil servants

The Ministry of Home Affairs has just reported on the situation and results of implementing tasks from 2021 to present, as well as the key directions and tasks in the coming time. One of the tasks emphasized by Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Truong Hai Long is that the Ministry of Home Affairs thoroughly decentralizes recruitment work; supplements regulations on considering promotions for leading and managing civil servants and changes the method from examination to considering promotions for civil servants.

These contents are to implement Decree 85/2023/ND-CP dated December 7, 2023 of the Government amending Decree 115/2020/ND-CP on recruitment, use and management of civil servants. Decree 85 accordingly officially abolishes provisions related to civil servant promotion exams. Civil servants are allowed to register for promotion to higher professional titles if they meet the standards.

Regarding this issue, Ms. Le Thi Na (Van Yen, Yen Bai) said that she has had a university degree for more than 10 years. However, she has not been promoted to a professional title or changed her salary for a long time because she did not pass the exam to promote the professional title of a civil servant. On March 15, 2024, the People's Committee of Yen Bai province issued Decision No. 298 approving the results of the exam to promote the professional title of a civil servant from grade V to grade IV, from grade IV to grade III of Yen Bai province in 2023.

The leader of the Department of Home Affairs - People's Committee of Van Yen district, Yen Bai province said: "After receiving the approval decision of the province, the Department of Home Affairs of the district discussed with the professional agency, the Department of Home Affairs of the province to soon issue the decision to appoint ranks for each official. In 2023, the district carried out a round of civil servant promotions. In 2024, we will continue to carry out more rounds of civil servant promotions in the province."

Ms. Na is just one of many civil servants in general and school accountants in particular who expressed their joy at being promoted to a higher professional title. From then on, she received a salary commensurate with the time she has worked and contributed to the education sector.

Reduce the burden, avoid the cost

Speaking with Lao Dong, Dr. Nguyen Tien Dinh - former Deputy Minister of Home Affairs - commented that the promotion of professional titles of civil servants is a matter that receives great attention and agreement from a large number of civil servants and public employees. This is also a matter with a large scope of impact, related to innovation in management methods and authority of all ministries, branches and localities.

Mr. Dinh said that the abolition of exams for promotion of professional titles of civil servants aims to continue to implement civil service reform, innovate methods of team management, and reform administrative procedures in accordance with policies. From there, it will ensure strong and reasonable decentralization and delegation of power between the Central and local levels, between superiors and subordinates, linking authority with responsibility, and reducing the burden of exams for cadres, civil servants, and public employees. This needs to be implemented more strongly and drastically.

Previously, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs, in the process of organizing civil servant promotion exams, there were some difficulties as follows: According to the current Law on Cadres, Civil Servants and Law on Public Employees, ministries, branches and localities have been delegated to issue standards and conditions for organizing exams, but some ministries and branches have not yet issued circulars.

The lack of regulations on the content of the exam leads to the exam not being close to the requirements of the job position. The exam is still formal and does not reflect the reality of improving the quality of the civil servant and public employee team. The job positions of civil servants are not clearly defined, but the number of civil servants is very large, about 2 million civil servants nationwide. Organizing the exam every year is very difficult, the number of exams organized is very small. Therefore, those who meet the standards and conditions are waiting in long lines without being able to take the exam, greatly affecting the improvement of the qualifications and legitimate rights of the civil servant team, especially the teaching team.


Thay đổi phương thức thăng hạng viên chức


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Gánh nặng của đạo diễn phim “Mối liên kết bí ẩn”

An Nhiên |

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Đề án thí điểm sắp xếp mô hình tổ chức CĐ trực thuộc CĐ Ngân hàng Việt Nam

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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Di dời dân khỏi quả đồi nứt toác ở Thanh Hóa


Thanh Hóa - Sau khi phát hiện quả đồi nứt toác, ngành chức năng đã khẩn trương di dời hơn 20 hộ dân ra khỏi vùng nguy hiểm.

Tọa đàm "Để ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ không còn là nỗi lo"

Nhóm PV |

Bên cạnh những mất mát, đau thương về người và của, một vấn đề khác nhận được rất nhiều sự quan tâm đó chính là vấn ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ. Và một trong những nơi đang phải chịu áp lực từ nguồn rác thải khổng lồ đó chính là Vịnh Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh). Trước tình hình này, Báo Lao Động đã tổ chức buổi tọa đàm "Để ô nhiễm môi trường sau bão lũ không còn là nỗi lo".

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Change the method of promoting civil servants


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Gánh nặng của đạo diễn phim “Mối liên kết bí ẩn”

An Nhiên |

Theo đạo diễn “Mối liên kết bí ẩn”, dù cảm thấy gánh nặng khi phải gánh vác trách nhiệm phát sóng bộ phim liên quan đến chủ đề ma túy, song ông vẫn muốn khám phá lãnh địa mới này.