Reducing the number of years of social insurance contributions without limiting one-time withdrawal of benefits

Mạnh Cường |

The 2024 Social Insurance Law will reduce the minimum social insurance payment period from 20 years to 15 years, expected to take effect from July 1, 2025.

However, many workers said that reducing the time to pay social insurance cannot limit the need to withdraw social insurance at one time.

Mr. Dang Van Hau (34 years old) - a worker in Nam Dinh - said that reducing the number of years of social insurance contributions to receive pension does not greatly affect the decision to withdraw social insurance at one time. He himself affirmed that he will not withdraw social insurance at one time in the future.

Reducing from 20 years to 15 years, according to Mr. Hau, will be more practical for those who participate in social insurance late. For young people or those over 30 like him, the important thing to limit the withdrawal of social insurance at one time is still the retirement age and economic factors.

Anh Hau cho rang giam so nam dong bao hiem xa hoi huong luong huu chi phu hop voi nhung lao dong lon tuoi dong bao hiem muon. Anh: Manh Cuong.
Mr. Hau said that reducing the number of years of social insurance contributions to receive pension is only suitable for older workers who pay insurance late. Photo: Manh Cuong.

Sharing more, Mr. Hau said, many people from 25 to 35 years old need a large amount of money to take care of their work, house, and family. Withdrawing social insurance is one of the first things they think of because they are still young enough to continue paying enough.

That is also the reason why Mr. Hau decided to withdraw social insurance once in 2021, and only start participating in the social security system again in 2022.

“At 32, I will return to pay social insurance from the beginning, pay for 20 years, then I will be 52 years old and wait until I reach retirement age. If I don’t withdraw social insurance at once, I will have paid for 20 years at 45, but at that time I am not sure if I can wait until I reach the age or not” - Mr. Hau said. Therefore, according to the male worker, the deciding factor in withdrawing social insurance at once depends largely on the retirement age.

Although paying insurance quite late, Ms. Pham Thi Thanh (48 years old) - a leather shoe worker also said that reducing the time to pay insurance does not greatly affect the decision to withdraw social insurance at one time.

Ms. Thanh said that she has been paying social insurance for 8 years now. She will only try for 2 more years and then quit her job, consider paying voluntary social insurance to receive pension or withdraw social insurance in one go.

According to Ms. Thanh, there are two factors that have the biggest impact on one-time social insurance withdrawal: the nature of the job and the retirement age.

The reason Ms. Thanh only tried for 2 more years was because her current job was too hard and stressful. Working night shifts and the company cutting staff in the team made her health decline more and more.

At the same time, Ms. Thanh also monitors her health after retiring to make a decision. If her health improves, she will try to pay voluntary social insurance until she has completed 20 years, instead of reducing it to 15 years to receive a pension.

On the contrary, if health does not allow, Ms. Thanh shared, she can withdraw social insurance once, save monthly to get interest for spending and retire early. If the retirement age is reduced to 55 as before, Ms. Thanh said there will be more motivation to pay voluntary social insurance and keep the pension.

"If the retirement age is reduced to 55 - 60, reducing the number of years of social insurance contributions will become meaningful and encourage more people to try to pay social insurance and limit one-time withdrawals," said the female worker.

Mạnh Cường

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Regulations on retirement age when paying social insurance for more than 20 years


Retirement age for employees who have paid social insurance for more than 20 years is based on the provisions of the 2019 Labor Code and Decree No. 135/2020/ND-CP.