The district in Binh Dinh cited the reason for long-term debt for teachers

Hoài Phương |

According to the Secretary of the Van Canh District Party Committee ( Binh Dinh ), the delay in paying benefits to the teachers of Truong Canh Thuan is because the school has to wait for... the inspector to conclude.

Regarding resolving the regime of extra hours and extra classes in 2022-2023 for the teachers of Canh Thuan Secondary School (Van Canh district, Binh Dinh ), Mr. Le Ba Thanh - Secretary of Van Canh District Party Committee - said that, according to the report of the Principal of Canh Thuan Semi-boarding Secondary School (Canh Thuan School), the delay in payment of benefits to teachers is due to the school having to wait for the conclusion of the District Inspector.

"According to our understanding, after the district provided advance funding, the schools that still owed money for teachers' overtime in the district had already paid it, only Truong Canh Thuan had not yet paid it because it was still waiting for the district inspector. conclusion. Recently, I also directed that this is an advance budget to pay for benefits, so the spirit is to deal with the teachers first , " Mr. Thanh said.

Canh Thuan semi-boarding secondary school. Photo: Hoai Luan
Canh Thuan Semi-Boarding Secondary School. Photo: Hoai Luan

According to Secretary of the Van Canh District Party Committee, this afternoon (August 1), the District Inspectorate will have a conclusion on the inspection of the funds used by Canh Thuan School regarding the delay in payment for overtime teaching and extra classes for the 2022 school year- 2023. After having a specific conclusion, Canh Thuan School will make payments to teachers.

Responding to the reporter's repeated contact with Mr. Luong Dinh Tien - Chairman of Van Canh District People's Committee and Mr. Tran Duy Kha - Principal of Canh Thuan School - to get information and progress in resolving regimes for teachers, but were unsuccessful. Thanh, even blocking the PV number, Mr. Thanh said that the locality and relevant parties need to resolve it in accordance with the law, there is nothing to avoid.

"The spirit is to be on the side of teachers. They are the ones who educate our children, so we have to be responsible for them. Up to now, at press conferences and conferences, I have continuously asked all parties to prioritize Pay first for teachers' policies, there must be no delay, and must be paid correctly and promptly, because this is the responsibility we must do" - Mr. Thanh affirmed.

As reflected, after 2 months since Lao Dong Newspaper stepped in to claim the rights of the collective of teachers in the mountainous Van Canh district, on July 17, the People's Committee of Van Canh district decided to advance funding from the district budget. to handle debt repayment for extra teaching hours in the 2022-2023 school year for teachers.

Accordingly, Van Canh district has advanced funding for Canh Thuan Semi-Boarding Secondary School (Canh Thuan School) with an amount of more than 215 million VND, Canh Vinh Secondary School with more than 139 million VND and Canh Lien Semi-Boarding School for Ethnic Minorities with more than 86 million VND. to pay for extra teaching hours for teachers. Advance funding from the funding for implementing the salary reform policy in 2023 will be transferred to 2024.

However, up to now (August 1), teachers at Canh Thuan School have not yet received their legitimate salary.

Secretary of Binh Dinh holds responsible

At the 17th meeting of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Council, term XIII, term 2021-2026 (July 12), Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Council Ho Quoc Dung requested the Director of the Department of Education and Training (GDĐT). ) clearly explains that the collective of teachers at Canh Thuan Semi-Boarding Secondary School is owed "rights".

After listening to the explanation of the head of the province's Education sector, Mr. Ho Quoc Dung asked the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province to quickly check and handle the responsibilities of individuals and groups involved when salaries are delayed or debts are paid to the regime. of teachers in Van Canh district.

"The press brought it up but the comrades let it go. If the Chairman of the District People's Committee allows salary arrears, such a regime is unacceptable. I suggest that next week this situation must be completely resolved" - Mr. Ho Quoc Dung spoke at the meeting.

Hoài Phương

Làng "biệt lập" ở Bình Định sắp thoát cảnh đèn điện leo lắt

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Dự kiến đến tháng 8.2025, đường điện 22kV sẽ được kéo đến làng Canh Tiến (huyện Vân Canh) để cấp điện cho 161 hộ dân sử dụng.

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Thể Công Tân Cảng bảo vệ thành công chức vô địch giải bóng chuyền U23 Quốc gia 2024

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Teachers are disappointed when they are deprived of benefits and salaries

Hoài Phương |

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