Khanh Hoa Transport Industry Workers Compete in Sports

Phương Linh |

Khanh Hoa – Khanh Hoa province's Transport sector workers competed for the first time in 18 sports events with many attractive events.

On the afternoon of September 29, at the Khanh Hoa Provincial Labor Culture House, the Khanh Hoa Transport Trade Union held the closing ceremony of the sports festival for workers and civil servants in the entire industry.

Mr. Chu Van An - Chairman of the Khanh Hoa Transport Trade Union - said that the sports festival in the whole industry was held from September 26 to 29 with the participation of nearly 800 athletes from 14 affiliated trade unions.

Doan vien thuoc nganh Giao thong Van tai Khanh Hoa thi tai chay cu ly ngan. Anh: Thanh Tuan
Members of the Khanh Hoa Transport sector compete in a short-distance race. Photo: Thanh Tuan

Athletes competed in 18 events including: Mini football, men's and women's team tug of war, men's team; men's and women's team sack jumping, men's and women's singles; arm wrestling in 4 weight categories; women's goal kicking; short-distance running and Chinese chess.

In addition to the purpose of physical training, the sports festival also brings an exciting competitive atmosphere, solidarity, and exchange of learning between union members and workers in agencies, units, and enterprises in the industry.

Lanh dao LDLD tinh Khanh Hoa va Cong doan Nganh Giao thong Van tai Khanh Hoa trao cup cho doi dat giai mon thi bong da. Anh: Thanh Tuan
Leaders of Khanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor and Khanh Hoa Transport Trade Union awarded the trophy to the winning team in the football competition. Photo: Thanh Tuan

This is also a practical activity to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union and the 79th anniversary of the founding of the Transport sector.

After 4 days of competition, with excellent achievements, the First Prize for the whole group belonged to the Trade Union of Khanh Hoa Bus Station and Transport Services Joint Stock Company, the Second Prize for the whole group belonged to the Trade Union of International Trade and Tourism Joint Stock Company, and the Third Prize for the whole group belonged to the Trade Union of Cat Thanh Nha Trang Company Limited. The Organizing Committee also awarded the First, Second, and Third prizes to the outstanding athletes in each event.

For the first time participating in the arm wrestling competition in the 60-65kg weight class and winning first prize, Mr. Dang Quoc Viet - a member of the Trade Union of International Trade and Tourism Joint Stock Company shared the joy that the sports event brought.

Niem vui cua doan vien khi dat giai o Hoi thao do Cong doan Nganh Giao thong Van tai Khanh Hoa to chuc. Anh: Thanh Tuan
The joy of union members when winning prizes at the Sports Festival organized by the Khanh Hoa Transport Industry Union. Photo: Thanh Tuan

Due to the nature of transportation and services, many union members who are drivers, vehicle operators... like Mr. Viet have few opportunities to participate in cultural and sports activities. Therefore, when the Industry Union organized a playground with many familiar and easy-to-practice sports such as tug of war, arm wrestling, jogging... the union members responded very well and participated with a happy spirit. This also improved the spirit and working environment, helping them have moments of relaxation to continue working better.

Phương Linh

Đại học Tôn Đức Thắng Phân hiệu Khánh Hòa tổ chức khai giảng

Chân Phúc |

Ngày 23.9, Trường Đại học Tôn Đức Thắng tại Phân hiệu Khánh Hòa tổ chức lễ khai giảng năm học mới 2024 - 2025 và chào đón tân sinh viên Khóa 28.

Va chạm với xe khách, 2 cha con ở Khánh Hòa tử vong

Phương Linh |

Khánh Hòa - Đang lưu thông trên Quốc lộ 26, Thị xã Ninh Hòa, tỉnh Khánh Hòa, 2 cha con đi xe máy va chạm với xe khách.

Khánh Hòa sử dụng 4.200 tỉ đồng ngân sách làm 3 dự án

Hữu Long |

Chính phủ đồng ý để Khánh Hòa dừng sử dụng vốn vay Ngân hàng Thế giới (World Bank) đồng thời, sử dụng vốn ngân sách để làm 3 dự án với vốn 4.200 tỉ đồng.

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Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia đã dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh trong 24 giờ đến 48 giờ tới.

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Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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Chân Phúc |

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Phương Linh |

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Hữu Long |

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