Female union official "two colors" diligently conveys the mission


Da Nang - Lieutenant Colonel, MD.CKII Vo Thi Hong Huong - Trade Union of Hospital 199 - is working hard on the mission of excellently conveying...

Trung ta, BS.CKII Vo Thi Hong Huong –  Cong doan co so Benh vien 199 Bo Cong an. Anh: Song Han
Lieutenant Colonel, MD.CKII Vo Thi Hong Huong in an activity of the grassroots Trade Union and Women's Union of Hospital 199, Ministry of Public Security. Photo: Song Han

With the belief that it is necessary to build a strong trade union organization from the grassroots level, truly becoming a "common home 199", a place where each cadre and worker can express their thoughts and legitimate aspirations, Dr. CKII Vo Thi Hong Huong, together with the Trade Union Group of the General Planning Department and the Executive Committee of the grassroots Trade Union, always focuses on innovating the content and methods of operation in the direction of being close to the grassroots level. Focusing on leading and directing the Trade Union Groups and Women's Associations to effectively implement emulation movements such as "Good workers, Creative workers"; "Innovation, creativity, efficiency in the activities of the Trade Union organization". To the emulation movements of the Trade Union - Women of the People's Public Security such as: Women of the People's Public Security studying and following the moral example of Ho Chi Minh; Discipline, creativity, for national security; Building happy families...

In particular, in the current era of digital technology and modernization, union members and workers, mostly women of the People's Public Security, have been competing to achieve the four qualities of women with the criteria of 'Confidence - Self-respect - Loyalty - Responsibility'... All movements are launched to create practical motivation to promote the intelligence, creativity and dedication of union cadres.

Not only that, in her role as Head of the General Planning Division, Dr. Vo Thi Hong Huong has participated deeply in mass mobilization work such as: Calling on organizations such as the Women's Union, Trade Union, Youth Union, and officers, soldiers, and workers in the unit to support the people of the North who were severely affected by the recent storm Yagi and its circulation.

It is known that before that, she also worked with the Labor Union - Women's Union of Da Nang City Police to do a good job of caring for and visiting Vietnamese Heroic Mothers in the area; together with the sister unit, the Labor Union - Women's Union of Hoa Vang District (Da Nang City), organized many health education and communication programs, provided free medical examination and consultation for people, supported the sale of clean agricultural products to workers... Her work was recognized and highly appreciated by members, workers and people.

BS.CKII Vo Thi Hong Huong (dung thu 2 tu phai sang) cung Cong doan - Hoi Phu nu Cong an TP Da Nang, va huyen Hoa Vang tham hoi, kham suc khoe cho cac Me Viet Nam Anh hung. Anh: Song Han
Dr. Vo Thi Hong Huong (second from right) and officials of the Labor Union - Women's Union of Da Nang City Police and Hoa Vang District visited and examined the health of Vietnamese Heroic Mothers. Photo: Song Han

Notably, through regular meetings and union activities, she always reminds staff and workers that, in order to have complete happiness, they need to live and work the way they want. They need to "work hard" in reality instead of sitting still. At the same time, she also devotes a lot of effort to calling for and helping workers in difficult and lonely circumstances to rise up in life.

 Voi vai tro lanh dao quan ly - chi luon biet cach khoi thong nhung “diem nghen” cong viec va “truyen lua” den can bo, nguoi lao dong. Anh: Song Han
As a manager, she always knows how to clear up work "bottlenecks" and "inspire" staff and workers. Photo: Song Han

From those works, Dr. Vo Thi Hong Huong is affectionately called by workers as "Female Union - Association officer with "two colors of shirt" diligently carrying out the mission of transmission", contributing to building a strong grassroots Union - Association organization, worthy of being a happy "common home" for workers.


Quyền lợi người lao động là trọng tâm hoạt động công đoàn

Xuân Hùng |

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Kiều Vũ |

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Đà Nẵng cập nhật tình hình thời sự cho cán bộ Công đoàn

Tường Minh |

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Doanh nghiệp mong Đà Nẵng cải thiện chất lượng nhân lực

Tường Minh |

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Người lao động Đà Nẵng mong Giải “Bước chạy Kết nối” tổ chức thường niên

Nguyễn Linh |

Sau khi kết thúc sự kiện “Bước chạy Kết nối - 2024”, nhiều người lao động Đà Nẵng đã bày tỏ mong muốn được tiếp tục tham gia các hoạt động thể thao trong những năm tiếp theo.

Đà Nẵng tuyên truyền, vận động thành lập Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở

Tường Minh |

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HLV Kim Sang-sik: Quế Ngọc Hải có nhiều áp lực

Chi Trần |

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Giờ thứ 9: Gả vợ cho chồng - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

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Workers' rights are the focus of trade union activities

Xuân Hùng |

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The model of "Smart Mass Mobilization" implemented by grassroots trade unions

Kiều Vũ |

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Tường Minh |

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Businesses hope Da Nang will improve the quality of human resources

Tường Minh |

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Da Nang workers hope the "Connecting Steps" Race will be held annually

Nguyễn Linh |

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Da Nang promotes and mobilizes the establishment of grassroots unions

Tường Minh |

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