Workers' rights are the focus of trade union activities

Xuân Hùng |

In recent times, along with organizing and launching many exciting emulation movements with practical significance for workers, Thanh Hoa Trade Unions at all levels have performed well in taking care of the material and spiritual lives of cadres, union members and workers.

Care with concrete actions

Teacher Mai Thi Sau, a teacher at Hau Loc 4 High School, is in a very difficult situation. Her husband had an accident and had to undergo surgery three times, his leg was amputated halfway down his thigh, but his recovery is still not good and he has lost his ability to work; her father-in-law has lung disease and is often sick; her two children are of school age, and she is the main breadwinner in the house. The family of five lives in an old, dilapidated house.

Faced with Ms. Sau’s situation, the Thanh Hoa Province Education Trade Union decided to support her with 40 million VND, contributing to the completion of a solid house on the old land. “The 40 million VND from the trade union is very important to my family and even greater is the affection that the trade union and union members have for me and my family,” Ms. Sau confided.

According to Mr. Tran Van Binh - Chairman of the Education Trade Union of Thanh Hoa province, Ms. Sau is one of many cases that the trade union supported to build and repair a house before the opening day of the new school year 2024. "We always keep in mind that, in addition to encouraging, visiting, and being close, taking care of union members must be based on reality and specifics" - Mr. Binh said.

Sharing the same view, Mr. Nghiem Dinh Son - Deputy Director of Thanh Hoa Electricity - said that recently, the electricity industry has made great efforts to complete the 500kV line 3 project. The success of the project has a great contribution from the Trade Union organization. The company's Trade Union is not only regularly present at the construction site, encouraging and accompanying the workers, but also directly interested in and fully participating in implementing policies so that workers can confidently complete their tasks.

Focus on workers' rights

According to Mr. Vo Manh Son - Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor, in recent times, Thanh Hoa Trade Unions at all levels have proactively coordinated with functional agencies to inspect and supervise the implementation of policies and regimes for employees; proactively participated with employers in plans to build new salary scales and pay wages according to regulations; negotiated and signed new quality collective labor agreements, gradually improving the terms to be more favorable than those prescribed by law. Trade unions at all levels in the province have focused on mobilizing resources, focusing on union members and employees; regularly organizing practical and effective activities.

In the period of 2018-2023, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor supported the repair and renovation of 783 "Union Shelters" for union members in difficult circumstances with a total amount of 31.4 billion VND. During the "Tet Sum Vay" and "Workers' Month", all levels of the Union organized visits and supported 968,276 gifts with a total value of 668.8 billion VND to union members, workers in difficult circumstances and children of union members, poor workers, disabled workers, etc. Implementing the "Welfare Program for Union Members and Workers", the Unions at all levels signed 232 cooperation agreements with partners to provide services and preferential products for union members and workers. As a result, 388,735 union members and workers benefited with a total amount of 31.352 billion VND.

“With the motto of focusing on the grassroots, taking the interests of workers as the focus of activities, trade union activities in Thanh Hoa province are increasingly effective, contributing to building a strong workforce and trade union organization, thereby building a civilized and prosperous Thanh Hoa province” - Mr. Manh Son emphasized.

Xuân Hùng

Biểu dương 95 cán bộ Công đoàn Thanh Hóa tiêu biểu năm 2024


Thanh Hóa - Sáng 9.10, LĐLĐ tỉnh tổ chức biểu dương 95 cán bộ Công đoàn tiêu biểu năm 2024, nhân kỷ 78 năm Ngày thành lập Công đoàn Thanh Hóa.

Thanh Hóa công bố quyết định về công tác cán bộ

Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hóa - Ngày 8.10, Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy đã tổ chức hội nghị công bố các quyết định về công tác cán bộ.

Nữ sinh lớp 8 ở Thanh Hóa bị xâm hại dẫn đến mang thai đôi


Thanh Hóa - Cơ quan công an đang vào cuộc làm rõ vụ việc một nữ sinh lớp 8 bị người đàn ông 60 tuổi xâm hại dẫn đến mang thai đôi.

HLV Kim Sang-sik: Quế Ngọc Hải có nhiều áp lực

Chi Trần |

Huấn luyện viên Kim Sang-sik chia sẻ về màn trình diễn của Quế Ngọc Hải trong trận đấu giữa tuyển Việt Nam và Ấn Độ.

Giờ thứ 9: Gả vợ cho chồng - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Cặp vợ chồng sống cùng nhau nhưng không có tình cảm. Bà vợ luôn ủng hộ chồng tìm được tình yêu mới. Câu chuyện hôn nhân kỳ lạ này sẽ đi về đâu?

Cảnh báo rủi ro ở nhóm trái phiếu bất động sản đáo hạn

Bảo Chương |

Lượng trái phiếu đáo hạn trong quý IV/2024 dự kiến hơn 87,5 nghìn tỉ đồng, trong đó rủi ro cao tập trung ở nhóm trái phiếu bất động sản.

Kỳ vọng chất lượng dịch vụ xe buýt ở Hà Nội tăng theo giá vé

Thanh Huyền |

Từ 1.11.2024, Hà Nội sẽ chính thức điều chỉnh giá vé xe buýt sau 10 năm áp dụng giá vé cũ.

Nam sinh bị bạn đánh trong lớp dẫn đến nhập viện


Quảng Bình - Nam sinh bị 2 bạn cùng Trường THCS và THPT Bắc Sơn đánh dẫn đến nhập viện. Hiện lực lượng chức năng đang vào cuộc điều tra.

Commending 95 outstanding Thanh Hoa Trade Union officials in 2024


Thanh Hoa - On the morning of October 9, the Provincial Federation of Labor held a ceremony to honor 95 outstanding union officials in 2024, on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the founding of Thanh Hoa Union.

Thanh Hoa announces decision on personnel work

Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hoa - On October 8, the Provincial Party Standing Committee held a conference to announce decisions on personnel work.