Humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity


Experts say that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity, so organizations need to encourage employees to report suspicious activities.

Trends of cyber attacks

Sharing at the seminar with the theme "Information security - a vital factor for businesses in the digital age" held on September 26, Mr. Le Cong Phu - Deputy Director of the Vietnam Cyber ​​Emergency Response Center - said that network information security is not only a technical issue but also an important pillar to maintain sustainable economic development in the digital age, contributing to ensuring a stable and reliable business environment.

Mr. Phu commented that cyber attacks are increasingly focusing on important information infrastructures. In recent times, both in the world and in Vietnam, there have been many serious incidents related to the fields of finance, banking, energy, healthcare and private business organizations.

Citing recent cyber attacks on information systems of enterprises such as VNDIRECT, PVOIL..., Mr. Phu said that this not only caused financial and reputational damage to the units but also negatively affected activities to ensure national cyberspace security.

Ong Le Cong Phu
Mr. Le Cong Phu - Deputy Director of Vietnam Cyber ​​Emergency Response Center shared at the seminar. Photo: Organizing Committee

Mr. Ngo Minh Hieu (Hieu PC) - Chairman of CyPeace - said that according to CyPeace's summary report, global spending on information security and risk management will reach about 188.1 billion USD in 2023, an increase of 14.2% compared to 2022. However, along with that, risks of information security and insecurity are also increasing rapidly.

Mr. Hieu also mentioned alarming numbers, when the total number of vulnerabilities discovered and announced in 2023 increased by 11.1% compared to 2022, in which high-level and serious vulnerabilities accounted for approximately 56% appearing on popular products and software in the world.

Half of data breaches target small businesses

Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy - Director of Savvycom Information Security Services - quoted statistics from CNBC and Black Frog showing that about half of data breaches target small businesses; 87% of IT decision makers at small and medium-sized enterprises reported that they had to respond to more than 2 cyber attacks.

The CNBC and Black Frog survey also found that only 8% of businesses have a dedicated cybersecurity budget; 25% lack sufficient information security management resources due to small and limited staff size; 42% do not have a plan to respond to cybersecurity threats; and up to 1/3 of businesses participating in the survey are relying on free solutions.

"Humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity, so organizations need to encourage a culture of vigilance and create an environment where employees do not hesitate to report suspicious activities," Huy emphasized.

Also sharing at the event, Mr. Nguyen Quang Hoang - Director of Information Security of MISA said that cyber attacks have changed greatly, with vulnerabilities from human and technological factors becoming the main target.

Mr. Hoang affirmed that SaaS (Software as a Service) is an outstanding solution to help businesses protect data. “Being cautious in cyberspace and using SaaS service software from reputable suppliers is the key for businesses to protect themselves against the increase in cyber attacks,” Mr. Hoang concluded.


Tỉ lệ đe dọa an ninh mạng tại Việt Nam ở mức cao


Theo dữ liệu mới từ Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), cứ 5 người Việt Nam thì có 1 người từng đối diện với mối đe dọa an ninh mạng.

Sự cố an ninh mạng của CrowdStrike khiến Microsoft lo lắng

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Ngày 10.9, Microsoft đã tổ chức hội nghị tìm giải pháp sau sự cố của công ty CrowdStrike gây gián đoạn các dịch vụ trực tuyến tại nhiều quốc gia.

Start up an ninh mạng Việt Nam nhận 3 chứng chỉ FDO


Start up an ninh mạng Việt Nam VinCSS vừa trở thành đơn vị nhận được 3 chứng chỉ FDO, về an ninh bảo mật cho thiết bị IoT đầu tiên trên thế giới.

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Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

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Nam Định có tân Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo

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Xe cứu thương cháy rụi trên đường đưa bệnh nhân chuyển viện

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Thanh Hóa khởi tố, bắt tạm giam 5 cán bộ huyện Quảng Xương

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Cybersecurity threat rate in Vietnam is high


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CrowdStrike's cybersecurity incident worries Microsoft

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Vietnamese cybersecurity startup receives 3 FDO certificates


Vietnamese cybersecurity startup VinCSS has just become the first company in the world to receive 3 FDO certificates for IoT device security.