Cancel Subscription Because Youtube Premium Is Expensive

THU UYÊN (THEO android authority) |

In more than 10 countries, YouTube Premium prices for individual and family plans have increased significantly.

The surge has been largely concentrated in Europe, with some prices up nearly 40%, according to a Reddit discussion.

For example, in the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium, the individual plan increases from 11.99 Euros to 13.99 Euros, and the family plan increases from 17.99 Euros to 25.99 Euros.

This is the latest price increase from Google. Many countries have seen increases just a few months ago, including the US last summer.

As usual, Google's email to users said the price increase would help the company "continue to deliver great service and features" and "support the creators and artists you follow on YouTube."

Users have also seen this wording in previous price increase announcements, including in the US.

Notably, the price increase was higher for those who subscribed to Premium through Apple on Apple devices. One Reddit user in Sweden saw a 60% price increase.

Several users reported canceling their subscriptions. One user from Denmark said: “This increase makes YouTube the most expensive streaming service, more than what I pay for Amazon Prime, Netflix, and HBO combined.”

THU UYÊN (THEO android authority)

Giá trị ngoài sân cỏ trong nội dung Ronaldo đăng lên YouTube


Tính đến 10h ngày 26.8, kênh YouTube của Ronaldo đã có 45,2 triệu người đăng ký theo dõi chỉ với 13 video (không kể shorts video).

YouTube thêm tính năng AI hỗ trợ các kênh bị tấn công

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Off-field value in the content Ronaldo posts on YouTube


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THU UYÊN (THEO engadget) |

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Anh Vũ |

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