MobiFone and Ericsson sign 5G innovation cooperation agreement

Linh Đan |

MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation and Ericsson Group have just signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation on 5G innovation.

The signing ceremony took place on October 1, 2024, at Ericsson's headquarters in Stockholm - Sweden. The ceremony is part of the working program of the Committee for State Capital Management at Enterprises and MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation in Europe to learn from the experiences of pioneering countries in deploying 5G networks and advanced digital technology solutions.

Toan canh buoi le ky ket bien ban ghi nho hop tac doi moi sang tao 5G giua MobiFone va Ericsson.
Overview of the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding on 5G innovation cooperation between MobiFone and Ericsson.

Through working sessions and cooperation signings, MobiFone aims to expand the scope of research, innovation and application of 5G, thereby contributing to accelerating the digitalization process, improving the quality of telecommunications services and laying a solid foundation for the development of the digital economy in Vietnam in the future.

At the meeting, delegates listened to and discussed topics revolving around the deployment of 5G technology solutions, sharing Ericsson's innovative experience. Ericsson is one of the world's leading telecommunications technology groups, present in more than 180 countries. Ericsson has been providing advanced technology solutions to many major network operators worldwide, especially in the deployment of 5G networks.

As a major partner of MobiFone, Ericsson always accompanies and wishes to work with MobiFone to promote the development of 5G technology and lay the foundation for the next steps in new areas and new spaces. Not only focusing on providing network services, MobiFone is strongly expanding into digital business areas, including digital infrastructure, digital platforms, digital solutions and digital content. MobiFone aims to become the leading technology group in Vietnam by 2030 and to complete a strong digital ecosystem by 2035, contributing to making Vietnam the leading digital country in the region.

During the meeting, MobiFone and Ericsson signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 5G innovation cooperation. Accordingly, Ericsson will share global experience in 5G commercial applications and support MobiFone in establishing and operating a 5G Innovation Center in Vietnam, including design consulting and service experience solutions. The 5G Innovation Center will serve as a place to research and develop applications and solutions based on 5G technology, supporting individuals and businesses in the digital transformation process. This will be an important milestone in promoting research and development, supporting businesses and customers in the digital transformation process in Vietnam.

According to Vice Chairman of the State Capital Management Committee Nguyen Ngoc Canh, the Committee is very pleased to witness the cooperation between MobiFone and Ericsson on 5G innovation. Accordingly, the Memorandum of Understanding between MobiFone and Ericsson will be a notable contribution to the innovation work of the Committee in general and within MobiFone in particular.

"The cooperation between MobiFone and Ericsson is a typical example of the spirit of international cooperation. I encourage the spirit of active sharing of knowledge, experience and resources between the two sides to ensure the success of this cooperation. We have witnessed impressive developments in technology and we need to support each other to exploit its potential.

In addition, I also suggest that the two enterprises continue to mobilize and effectively use the resources of the parties in deploying digital infrastructure, digital solutions and digital services" - Vice Chairman Nguyen Ngoc Canh emphasized.

Ericsson Viet Nam cung cam ket thuc day quan he doi tac va cac hoat dong doi moi sang tao, nham dam bao Viet Nam khai thac toi da loi ich tu ha tang mang 5G manh me va ben vung.
Ericsson Vietnam is also committed to promoting partnerships and innovation activities to ensure Vietnam maximizes the benefits from a robust and sustainable 5G network infrastructure.

With the vision of “Creating the digital future”, MobiFone is constantly improving its technological capacity and creating digital solutions to serve society. MobiFone’s development orientation in the coming years is not only to expand the 5G network but also to build a strong digital infrastructure and digital ecosystem, making Vietnam a leading country in the field of information technology.

Speaking at the meeting, General Director To Manh Cuong thanked Ericsson for supporting and developing extensive cooperation with MobiFone in the field of network infrastructure and technology in the recent past: “MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation highly appreciates and thanks Ericsson for its cooperation in the past time. MobiFone hopes that Ericsson will continue to be a trusted partner, working with MobiFone to deploy network and technology development, consulting and research and development, especially preparing for 5G deployment.”

MobiFone has been completing preparations and is ready to provide 5G services to customers. Currently, MobiFone is implementing investment in developing wireless networks and investing in core networks for 5G networks.

Ms. Rita Mokbel - Head of Ericsson Vietnam - said: “By collaborating with MobiFone and other ecosystem partners in Vietnam, we will promote innovation activities, support national digital transformation initiatives and bring practical benefits to businesses. Ericsson is committed to connecting MobiFone with international research centers and global partners, turning the 5G Innovation Center into a pioneering experience center”.

Su kien nay khong chi gop phan nang cao vi the cua MobiFone tren ban do vien thong quoc te ma con tao ra nen tang vung chac cho cac sang tao va dot pha cong nghe trong tuong lai.
This event not only contributes to enhancing MobiFone's position on the international telecommunications map but also creates a solid foundation for future technological innovations and breakthroughs.

The signing ceremony of cooperation between MobiFone and Ericsson in Sweden is a clear demonstration of the commitment of both sides to develop together, laying the foundation for a strong and prosperous 5G future in Vietnam.

Linh Đan

MobiFone và F-Secure ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác chiến lược

Linh Đan |

Ngày 27.9.2024, Tổng công ty Viễn thông MobiFone và Tập đoàn an ninh mạng F-Secure ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác chiến lược, với mục tiêu phát triển các sản phẩm, giải pháp an ninh mạng toàn diện, bảo vệ các thiết bị và hệ thống thông tin của hàng triệu khách hàng Việt Nam.

MobiFone miền Nam ghi dấu khó phai trong lòng khách hàng

Linh Đan |

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MobiFone tích cực đồng hành với khách hàng chuyển đổi công nghệ di động

Linh Đan |

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Người dân đề xuất giữ lại bãi biển để mưu sinh


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Linh Đan |

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Linh Đan |

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Linh Đan |

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