US announces sanctions on funds supporting Hamas

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After a year of fighting in the Gaza Strip, many funds that financially support Hamas are facing US sanctions.

The United States imposed sanctions on an internationally networked fundraising organization on October 7, 2024 - a year after the war in the Gaza Strip broke out, accusing those behind it of raising funds to support the militant group Hamas.

The US Ministry of Finance said that this support fund was run by three anonymous people and they transferred the money raised for support to Hamas instead of Palestinian people affected by the war in Gaza.

The targets of the US Ministry of Finance are all high-ranking Hamas representatives currently in Germany, Austria and Italy.

Reuters quoted the US Ministry of Finance as saying that Hamas has exploited the suffering in the Gaza Strip to attract money through fake charities, most of which come from Europe. According to the ministry's estimates, Hamas may have received $10 million a month from fake donations since the beginning of this year.

It is not yet clear how the sanctions will be implemented, but US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is determined to weaken Hamas' financial resources so that the non-state militant group in Gaza cannot carry out further acts of violence.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched its largest rocket attack since the conflict with Israel over the Gaza territorial dispute in the early 2000s.

Hamas launched more than 5,000 rockets and sent troops into southern Israel. The surprise attack killed 1,200 people and took 250 hostages. AP said a third of the hostages were believed to have been killed.

Israel then launched a military operation in the Gaza Strip with the aim of bringing back the captives and destroying Hamas. The war has officially entered its 367th day.

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