3 reasons why you can't lose weight just by eating salad

Trang Thùy (Livestrong.com) |

Even when you replace salad with your main meal, you still can't lose weight as desired? Find out the 3 reasons below.

1. No protein supplements

We aim to lose weight quickly and think that cutting protein in salads can reduce calorie intake, thereby improving weight. However, this is completely wrong. In fact, protein in salads plays a very important role, they help slow down the digestion process and stabilize blood sugar levels. Therefore, when salads lack protein, you may feel low in energy, hungry easily and need to consume other dishes.

Khong bo sung protein hoac chon sai loai protein la ly do khien ban khong giam duoc can du chi an salad. Anh do hoa: Trang Thuy.
Not adding protein or choosing the wrong type of protein is the reason why you cannot lose weight as desired even if you only eat salad. Graphic photo: Trang Thuy.

2. Choosing the wrong type of protein

In fact, there are some salad recipes that are not suitable for dieters, especially when the protein ingredient has a high calorie content. For example, a crispy fried chicken salad provides more than 1000 calories, while we only need about 2000 - 2200 calories per day to ensure activities.

In addition, salads made from fried meat, bacon, cold cuts and cheese will also inhibit the process of burning excess fat. These foods are not only harmful to your waistline but also increase bad cholesterol, the risk of heart disease.

Therefore, the ideal salad for weight loss should have one of the proteins such as eggs, grilled chicken, shrimp, fish, tofu.

You should choose a salad recipe that has enough fiber, protein, and fat to support weight loss. Graphic photo: Trang Thuy.

3. Forgetting healthy fats

During the weight loss process, our menu will limit foods rich in fat as much as possible. However, you should remember that the fats you need to stay away from are unhealthy saturated fats.

Nutritionists recommend that you should increase foods rich in insoluble fats in your daily diet to support cardiovascular activity, slow down digestion, and help you feel full longer.

Some foods containing healthy fats that you can add to your weight loss salad include olive oil, avocado, nuts...

Trang Thùy (Livestrong.com)

Giảm cân hiệu quả với 5 loại thực phẩm giàu carbs

Hoài Lan (dịch Today) |

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Một số bài tập giảm cân với tạ đeo

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

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Công thức salad trứng giúp giảm cân nhanh chóng

NHÓM PV (THEO healthshots) |

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Egg salad recipe for quick weight loss

NHÓM PV (THEO healthshots) |

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