Here are 4 types of teas recommended to help detoxify the liver:
Artichoke tea
Artichoke has long been known as one of the best herbs for the liver. According to a study of the Journal of Pharmacy and Phytopathy (Phytotherapy Research), artichokes contain Cynarin and Silymarin compounds, helping to enhance bile production, support the process of eliminating toxins and reducing hepatitis.
Research from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) shows that artichoke leaf extract can reduce liver enzymes ALT and AST, two indicators related to liver damage.
Artichoke tea is also rich in antioxidants, helping to protect liver cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Milk thistle tea
Milk Thistle is an herb rich in silymarin, a flavonoid compound with powerful liver-protective properties.
According to the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), silymarin helps regenerate damaged liver cells, reduces inflammation and is a powerful antioxidant, helping to support the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cirrhosis.
Study in the Journal of Hepatology also shows that patients with fatty liver used for 6 months have a significant improvement in liver function and hepatitis reduction.
Drinking milk thistle tea daily can help protect the liver from harmful agents such as alcohol, tobacco and chemicals.
Ginger tea
Ginger is not only a familiar spice but also a beneficial medicine for the liver.
Ginger contains Gingerol and Shogaol, two compounds with anti -inflammatory, enhancing blood circulation and supporting liver to eliminate toxins.
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism) shows ginger that helps reduce fatty liver condition, supports fat digestion and reduces cholesterol levels in the liver.
Drinking warm ginger tea every day can help improve liver function and reduce the risk of liver damage due to unhealthy diet.
Chrysanthemum tea
Chamomile (Chamomile) is a gentle but many benefits for the liver. According to the study of the Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences, chrysanthemum contains apigenin, a flavonoid compound that has anti -inflammatory and liver detoxification effect.
In addition, Roman chrysanthemum tea also helps to relax the nervous system, improve sleep and reduce stress - factors that can affect liver function.
A study from the US National Health Institute (NIH) showed that people who drink chamomile tea regularly have lower levels of hepatitis and significantly improving detoxification function.