Among them, boiled dishes are considered the ideal choice because they are low in calories, do not use oil and retain many nutrients.
Below are 6 boiled dishes that help control weight effectively.
Boiled chicken breast
Chicken breast is a rich source of lean protein, helping the body feel full for a long time without consuming too many calories.
According to research from the American Dietetic Association (ADA), protein from chicken breast helps maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism and burn excess fat.
A serving of boiled chicken breast (about 100g) contains only about 165 kcal but provides up to 31g of protein. When eating, combine with green vegetables to increase weight loss effectiveness.
Boiled eggs
Boiled eggs are a high-quality protein food, providing essential amino acids that help control appetite.
According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN), people who eat eggs for breakfast tend to consume fewer calories during the day, thereby effectively supporting weight loss.
Eggs are also rich in vitamin B12, which helps the body convert fat into energy.
Boiled sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a source of complex carbohydrates that help keep you feeling full longer and curb your appetite. According to the National Obesity Research Center (NORC), sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index (GI) than potatoes, helping to control blood sugar levels and reduce belly fat accumulation.
An average boiled sweet potato (about 100g) contains about 86 kcal and is rich in fiber, making it very suitable for a diet.
Boiled broccoli
Broccoli is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants that help boost metabolism. According to research from the British National Institute of Nutrition and Food (BNF), eating broccoli regularly helps the body eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation and support weight loss.
The calories in broccoli are very low (only about 55 kcal/100g) but rich in fiber, helping to limit cravings.
Boiled fish
Fish is a healthy source of protein, rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and aid in fat burning.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), eating boiled fish 2-3 times/week helps improve fat metabolism and better weight control.
Some good fish for weight loss include salmon, mackerel, basa and cod. Boil or steam fish instead of frying to optimize weight loss.
Boiled carrots
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, fiber, and low in calories, helping you lose weight while still providing adequate nutrition. According to research from Harvard University, boiled carrots help control blood sugar levels, reduce cravings for sweets, and promote digestion thanks to their high fiber content.
A bowl of boiled carrots contains only about 50 kcal but is rich in vitamin A, helping the body stay healthy during the weight loss process.