Ms. Shruti K Bhardwaj, a clinical nutritionist at Zydus Thaltej Hospital Ahmedabad (India), said that some content creators on social networks have instructed that eating 2 eggs for breakfast can provide enough protein for the body, attracting a lot of attention and comments from the online community.
However, according to Dr. Shruti K Bhardwaj, this view is not entirely correct. Because, eating 2 eggs for breakfast can slow down the process of fat loss and muscle development.
"You need at least 25-30 grams of protein in the morning if your goal is to lose fat and build muscle. But if you just eat 2 eggs, you will only provide about 12 grams of protein, which is not enough to meet the body's protein needs," explains Dr. Shruti K Bhardwaj.
Protein is important for an energetic day.
Boost metabolism: The body needs more energy to digest protein, thereby boosting metabolism.
Helps you feel full longer: A protein-rich breakfast helps you feel full longer, reduces cravings and limits snacking later in the day.
Maintain stable blood sugar levels: Protein helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, avoiding energy drops.
Start your day with energy: A protein-rich breakfast helps you start your day with energy and better nutrition.
Why 2 eggs are not enough
To effectively lose fat, Dr. Shruti K Bhardwaj believes that it is necessary to control hunger, maintain energy and protect muscles.
Dr. Shruti K Bhardwaj lists the reasons why this diet does not work, including:
Lack of calories and nutrients: 2 eggs only provide about 140 calories, not enough to sustain energy until the next meal. They lack necessary fiber and complex carbohydrates.
Not as full as you think: The protein in eggs helps keep you full for longer, but a balanced meal needs to include fiber and healthy fats.
“Adding vegetables, whole-grain bread or avocado helps slow digestion and prolongs the feeling of fullness,” says Bhardwaj.
Muscle maintenance needs: Protein is important for fat loss, helping to maintain muscle. Depending on your weight, each meal should have at least 20-30 grams of protein. Two eggs alone will not meet this need.
Stabilize blood sugar: Bhardwaj recommends pairing eggs with fiber-rich carbohydrates like oats or fruit to avoid blood sugar spikes, helping to maintain steady energy levels throughout the morning.