Should you heat honey?


Nutritionists say that overheating honey can reduce its nutritional value and unique flavor of honey.

According to the recommendation of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), honey should not be heated as it can cause side effects.

Cooking honey will destroy its essential enzymes and nutrients. Consuming cooked honey can even cause delirium or death.

Specifically, heating honey to 40 degrees Celsius will cause a negative chemical change that makes honey taste bitter.

According to Ayurveda (the traditional Hindu system of medicine from India), once cooked, honey becomes runny and sticky like glue.

The molecules in honey can adhere to the mucous membranes in the digestive tract, continuing to produce toxins, called Ama (undigested food), which become the root cause of weight gain, respiratory diseases, digestive issues, and blood sugar imbalances.

To clarify this issue, Mr. Krish Ashok, author of the famous cookbook The Masala Lab, shared that if you are someone who likes to use raw forest honey, remember that heating it will destroy all the micronutrients and enzymes you paid for.

Ms. Shruti K Bhardwaj, Head of Nutrition at Zydus Hospital, Ahmedabad (India), stated that heating honey is a controversial topic that needs to be considered from both sides.

Ms. Bhardwaj said: “While heating honey can make it easier to pour and mix with other ingredients, it can also reduce some beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients, thereby decreasing the nutritional value and unique flavor of honey.”

Raw honey, in its natural state, retains more of these properties. However, heating honey "a little" can also be beneficial in some culinary applications such as baking or making sauces.

“Ultimately, the decision to heat honey depends on personal preference and intended use, but if you want to retain the natural benefits of honey, consuming raw honey is the best choice,” advised nutritionist Bhardwaj.


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