Common foods are not good for diabetes

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ ncbi & consumer) |

When eating instant noodles, blood cholesterol levels may increase and can increase blood sugar levels, which is not good for diabetics.

May increase blood sugar levels

Eating instant noodles for breakfast continuously is not good for your health because a pack of instant noodles does not provide enough energy for the body but is heavy on the stomach, making the body tired and difficult to concentrate.

Instant noodles are a starchy food that can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar after eating for people with diabetes. Instant noodles contain refined carbs and saturated fats along with spices such as salt, MSG, and flavor enhancers. Instant noodles are fried in oil, which destroys most of the vitamins. Therefore, for better health, people with diabetes should limit their intake of instant noodles as much as possible.

How to eat instant noodles to reduce sugar absorption into the body

If you want to eat instant noodles, you should combine them with other foods to reduce the amount of sugar absorbed into the body. When eating, only eat the noodles and limit the amount of noodle water. Because the amount of salt in the noodles exceeds the allowable limit when dissolved in water, it will be harmful to the body. If you want to eat both the noodles and the water, you should only use about ⅓ of the amount of salt in the seasoning packet.

Instant noodles contain very little, if any, fiber and protein. Therefore, when eating, you should cook noodles with green vegetables and protein-rich foods such as beef, eggs, and shrimp to get enough nutrients.

Because it is fried in oil many times, to minimize the negative effects on the body's health, you should blanch the noodles in boiling water before eating. Blanching the noodles in boiling water will help wash away the grease on the noodles.

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ ncbi & consumer)

Cách ăn sáng cho người hạ đường huyết

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ webmd & Greatist ) |

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How to eat breakfast for people with hypoglycemia

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ webmd & Greatist ) |

What to eat for breakfast with hypoglycemia is something many people are interested in.

People with diabetes need to pay attention to the following:


People with diabetes need to pay special attention to their health and regularly monitor their blood sugar levels.

Overcooked foods can increase blood sugar levels


Overcooking increases the glycemic index (GI) of foods, which can be particularly harmful for people with diabetes.