Huynh Hieu Minh's girlfriend admits to plastic surgery


Diep Kha - Huynh Hieu Minh's girlfriend continues to be the center of attention.

On September 26, on the Chinese social network Weibo, the keyword Diep Kha - Huynh Hieu Minh's girlfriend admitted to having plastic surgery - climbed to the Top 1 search trend.

In a livestream, when asked by the audience about the suspicion of plastic surgery, Diep Kha admitted that it was true. She said that she only had a little surgery, not "plastic" from head to toe, only about 40%.

However, Diep Kha's answer received mixed reactions. Netizens said that 40% plastic surgery is not "a little" as she said.

Netizens also dug up old photos of Diep Kha and pointed out the difference in her face.

Nhan sac Diep Kha nhieu nam truoc
Diep Kha's beauty when she married her first husband. Photo: Weibo

In the photo of her marriage registration with her ex-husband, Diep Kha had a round face, wide forehead, low nose, and round tip. Currently, Diep Kha's face has many changes.

Netizens pointed out that Diep Kha had cosmetic surgery on his nose, eyes, jaw, lips, and hairline, making his face almost completely different.

Many people think that Diep Kha became more beautiful thanks to plastic surgery. But there are also comments that the "knife-cut" face makes Diep Kha difficult to recognize, every time she appears she looks like a different person.

Nhan sac hien tai cua Diep Kha - ban gai Huynh Hieu Minh. Anh: Weibo
Current beauty of Diep Kha - Huynh Hieu Minh's girlfriend. Photo: Weibo

In addition, many viewers have been sarcastic about Huynh Hieu Minh's taste in girlfriends. The actor is said to like girls who have had plastic surgery.

When Huang Xiaoming was first rumored to be dating Ye Ke, the audience commented that Ye Ke had many similarities with Huang Xiaoming's ex-wife, Angela Baby. Both have small faces, V-line chins, big round eyes, high noses, and attractive bodies.

Huang Xiaoming recently shocked the Chinese entertainment industry when he publicly announced his relationship with Diep Kha, more than 2 years after his divorce from Angela Baby.

It is known that Diep Kha was born in 1992, 15 years younger than Huynh Hieu Minh. Diep Kha graduated from Shenzhen University. She was once one of the goddesses of the university.

After graduating, she married a businessman, had 2 children, but after living together for about 2 years, they divorced.

Currently, Diep Kha is running her own fashion brand, opening a beauty salon and investing in real estate.


Netflix làm phim về vụ bê bối của Diddy


Theo Variety, Netflix đang sản xuất loạt phim tài liệu về các cáo buộc buôn bán tình dục, tống tiền, lạm dụng bạo lực của nam rapper Diddy (Sean Combs).

Hình ảnh Justin Bieber khóc nức nở khi quay MV được chia sẻ


Khán giả tiếp tục chú ý đến những dấu hiệu bất thường của Justin Bieber, nghi liên quan đến vụ bê bối của ông trùm âm nhạc Diddy.

Danh tính và đời tư của bạn gái Huỳnh Hiểu Minh

Thanh Hải |

Diệp Kha - bạn gái Huỳnh Hiểu Minh đã có 1 đời chồng và con riêng trước khi công khai yêu nam diễn viên.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


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Đinh Đại |

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Netflix Making a Movie About Diddy's Scandal


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Image of Justin Bieber sobbing while filming MV shared


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Danh tính và đời tư của bạn gái Huỳnh Hiểu Minh

Thanh Hải |

Diệp Kha - bạn gái Huỳnh Hiểu Minh đã có 1 đời chồng và con riêng trước khi công khai yêu nam diễn viên.