However, how you behave in times of anger is the deciding factor in family happiness. Here are the things that couples should absolutely avoid so that the relationship does not crack and can heal quickly.
1. Put yourself in the position of the other person
When angry with each other, everyone wants to protect their views, but if they only insists that they are right, the conflict will escalate. Try to listen to the other person's feelings, put yourself in their shoes to understand them better. Sometimes, just a little patience and empathy can help us remove problems instead of pushing things too far.
2. Absolutely do not break down furniture
Many people when angry have the habit of pouring their anger onto objects. But this not only damages property, but also makes the atmosphere more tense. Sometimes, in an sudden moment, thinkingless actions can accidentally hurt yourself or the other person, making recovery much more difficult.
3. Don't let violence kill love
A slape, a punch even in anger can completely destroy the years of love. Physical damage can be cured, but mental wounds are not easy to heal. Moreover, violence not only causes cracks in love but also spreads fear, loses trust and destroys family happiness.
4. Avoid letting children witness arguments
Children are more sensitive than we think. A parent's argument can leave a deep psychological impression on children. They may feel insecure, scared, or even grow up with misconceptions about marriage. So, no matter how angry you are, try to maintain your image in front of your child and resolve conflicts in a reserved and gentle manner.
5. hurt words are more painful than knives
People still say: "Words are not costly to buy, choose words to please each other". But when angry, many people forget that. Insulting, disrespectful words can be like a knife stabbed in the heart of the opponent, leaving unhealthy wounds. Even if you argue, just keep the correct address. Because after anger, words still remain, and sometimes we have to pay with unforgettable pain.
Marriage is a long journey, where two people need to learn to love, tolerate and understand each other. Arguing is common, but if you know how to control your emotions and avoid making the above mistakes, love will not be eroded but on the contrary, will become more and more lasting. And as the saying goes: "The fire is almost gone, if we are together, love will never go out".