How to arrange salaries of district officials and civil servants deployed to communes

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Officials and civil servants at the district level who are mobilized, rotated, and seconded to become commune-level officials and civil servants are paid according to current regulations?

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 61 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants 2008 (amended and supplemented in 2019); Article 26, Article 27, Article 55 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP, based on the need to use local officials and civil servants and the conditions prescribed by law, the competent agency shall implement mobilization, secondment, and reception of civil servants working in the district as commune-level civil servants.

Depending on each specific case, the implementation of regimes, policies and salary rankings of commune-level civil servants shall apply in accordance with the appropriate provisions of law.

Accordingly, in case civil servants are transferred or seconded, the regime and policies will comply with Article 28 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP dated November 27, 2020 of the Government; In case civil servants are accepted, the salary arrangement shall comply with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 16 of Decree 33/2023/ND-CP.

Civil servants holding leadership or management positions who are transferred to another position where the new position allowance is lower than the position allowance currently held will have their position allowance reserved for a period of 6 months; In cases where civil servants are seconded to work in mountainous areas, border areas, islands, remote areas, ethnic minority areas, and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions, they will enjoy special benefits. , preferential policies according to the provisions of law.

Commune-level officials and civil servants who graduate from training according to the standards of professional qualifications and skills specified in Decree 33/2023/ND-CP are paid the same as administrative civil servants with the same qualifications. training prescribed in the professional salary schedule for cadres and civil servants in state agencies issued together with the Government's Decree on salary regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces.

Thus, officials and civil servants working in the district who are transferred to the commune will be paid the same salary as commune civil servants with the same qualifications.

Thục Quyên (T/H)

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